It’ll be ‘must TV’

Tuesday night, 30 January 2018.

Donald John Trump and the State of the Union address.

I haven’t decided if the occasion warrants “buttered popcorn” yet – there’s still some time to roll it over, and sense the level of tension in the air.

Nonetheless, on Tuesday, Trump will embrace the most traditional of presidential venues – appearing before a joint session of Congress for his first State of the Union address – to deliver what aides describe as an optimistic speech [less than even odds!]that will seek to reach beyond ? the people who voted for him in 2016.

Trump has spent his first year in office breaking every rule of presidential communication, conducting policymaking and diplomacy by Twitter and eschewing the careful, subdued tones of most presidents in favor of NO-holds-barred attacks [boorish & childish] on his adversaries and allies alike.

If he sticks to the script, he is expected to call on Congress to spend at least $1 trillion to rebuild bridges, freeways, sewers and airports.

But, what most people will be anticipating: Will Trump use the speech to lobby millions of viewers on behalf of his plan to make a series of conservative changes to the nation’s immigration system while also granting citizenship to as many as 1.8 million young immigrants?

So…will we get Teleprompter Trump or Mad Max Trump?!

Without any doubt, there are a myriad of issues that Trump will touch on: Gorsuch; tax plan; ObamaCare repeal; defeat of ISIS; stock market; unemployment; Middle East; and de-regulation.

But, again, there’s ONLY one matter that’ll move every one up on their seats and/or sofas this coming Tuesday night – IMMIGRATION.



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