Puerto Rico needs help…

NOT a ‘soft, thin-skinned’ girly man!

The current president lashed out at the mayor of San Juan this morning for criticizing his administration and its efforts to help Puerto Rico, after Hurricane Maria, accusing her of “poor leadership” and implying that the island, which lacks electricity and has limited cellphone service, water and fuel, was NOT doing enough to help itself.

This is our president…

In a series of early-morning messages on Twitter from the comfort of his New Jersey golf club, where he is spending the weekend, Carrot Top dismissed the statements by the capital’s mayor, Carmen Yulín Cruz, as political and asserted that his administration had organized a response by federal workers who are “doing a fantastic job.”

Trump said his critics in Puerto Rico should NOT depend entirely on the federal government. “They want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort,” he wrote. “10,000 Federal workers now on Island doing a fantastic job. The military and first-responders, despite no electric, roads, phones etc., have done an amazing job. Puerto Rico was totally destroyed.”

The seemingly slow response to the hurricane in Puerto Rico, an American territory — especially compared with the federal response to storms in Texas and Florida — threatened to become a political disaster for The Weave as critics compared it to  George W. Bush’s handling of Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

Trump has alternated between expressions of resolve and concern on the one hand, and angry recriminations against critics on the other.

His skin is so-o-o-o thin…

Ms. Cruz became a powerful voice of grievance yesterday when she went on television to plead for help, and reject !!! assertions by the Trump administration about how well it was responding…

There’s NOTHING like pretending to be a ‘grown-up’ between the silk sheets of Bedminster, N.J.

WHEN will THEY snap the BALL?

Stupidity knows NO bounds among the protest operatives of the National Football League [NFL]!

For the good of the country, protesting NFL players should continue shooting themselves in the feet!

The repulsive image they create causes loss of employment for thousands of seasonal workers, drives away the fans, drives away the advertising and its revenue, drives away endorsement opportunities, and drives away ALL thinking people who understand that these MILLIONAIRES are merely tools of the race-baiting, moronic Left.

And, the sad element of this attempted movement: the players have NO united front; NO united message; NO mission statement; and NO regional spokespersons for their cause.

What we don’t need is the likes of Spike Lee feeling it’s his prerogative to throw in the “plantation” word, every time a camera is in his face.

But, above ALL, we certainly do NOT need the 45th president calling players – ‘sons of bitches!’

Talk about inflaming a cause and movement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If one wants to take offense to “respecting the flag in the right way” – they need to go to a NFL or, yes, a Division I college game, and observe ! the following, week-after-week:

  • The lines getting adult beverages during the anthem;
  • The vomiting on/in the concourses/restrooms during the anthem;
  • The countless number of morons wearing hats during the anthem;
  • The rows-upon-rows of people NOT even standing during the anthem;
  • The fighting in the stands during the anthem;
  • The complete lack of stadium security, or correct response, during the anthem.

There’s plenty of blame and concern to go around every inch of any stadium in America!

And, it hasn’t just started…



Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price resigned ! yesterday over his extensive use of private jet and military flights, ending a rocky tenure during which the Trump administration failed !!! in its push to get Congress to repeal the ObamaCare.

Our current president had NO immediate comment following the resignation, but earlier he expressed his displeasure with the flights, and signaled a decision was imminent.

Late last night, the administration announced a revised travel policy that will require prior approval by the White House chief of staff, John Kelly, for travel on ALL non-commercial flights.

Further proof there are NO adults within this administration!

Price’s repeated use of a chartered jet and military aircraft raised the ire of Trump and other White House officials, who felt his actions contradicted ! their campaign promise to “drain the swamp” of Washington, and save taxpayers money.

Someone better have some quick words with Boy Wonder Kushner, little Scotty Pruitt, Cowboy Ray Zinke, Davey Boy Shulkin, and Big Smile Stevie Mnuchin and his wife…it would appear to the old lobsterman they may be on the growing endangered list as well.

The swamp is deeper and more pungent, by the hour!!!

Forget Dr. Tommy’s resignation, why is Dr. Tommy NOT in jail? He has a history of insider trading and abuse of power. He needs to spend some time for his white collar crime(s).

Don’t you just love the “vetting process” in Washington?

Tommy was/is just part of the gang, aunts and uncles…


The head of the Air Force Academy delivered a resounding message this past Thursday in response to racial slurs that were found on the academy’s campus, saying that if students could NOT treat their peers of different races with respect, “then you need to get out.”

In a five-minute address in front of the academy’s 4,000 cadets and 1,500 staff members, Lt. General Jay Silveria affirmed the Air Force’s belief in “the power of diversity” and insisted that “small thinking and horrible ideas” had NO place there.

He was responding to racial slurs that were found on the dormitory message boards of five black students at a preparatory school on the academy’s campus on Monday, said the academy, which is investigating…

The preparatory school, usually called the “prep school,” prepares candidates for admission to the academy proper. About 240 students, called “cadet candidates,” attend the school each year.

Kudos, General Silveria!


College Basketball is dirty…according, now, to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Aunts and uncles, this is NOT !!! a revelation nor new news to anyone who has played or been around the sport.

College basketball, like football, has been !!! corrupt to the core with payoffs, inside shoe and merchandise deals, bribes, cars, girls, booster glad-hands, 5-star restaurant vouchers, train/plane/boat availability, and multiple family benefits, etc…etc…etc.

At one major university, a sports agent arranged for a quid pro quo among Adidas, the college’s men’s basketball program and a top 5-star high school prospect in which the player’s family would receive $100,000 if he committed to the school and signed with the apparel giant once he turned pro.

At another college, the basketball team’s associate head coach accepted nearly $100,000 to steer his team’s top players to a financial adviser eager to manage their future N.B.A. riches. At a third, a top assistant set up a similar arrangement, promising to trade his access to players for bribes.

When there is a scandal involving the NCAA, the ones who normally bear the brunt of the punishment are usually innocent, while the bad actors often skate. In this case, the universities, athletic directors, players ?, and, fans will suffer for the actions of rogue head coaches, their assistants and 4 and 5-star prospects.

These are only the guys who got caught! At nearly every major university, and lots of lesser ones, there are assistant coaches, athletic department officials, faculty members, and boosters, busy stretching the rules to the breaking point.

Some include presidents and chancellors. They don’t clip their nails ALL the time!!!

EVERYONE knows this – fans, faculty, university leaders, and ALL the rest. They just choose to look the other way.

These and many more allegations were revealed in a series of complaints made public by federal investigators in New York yesterday. The complaints depict a thriving black market for teenage athletes, one in which coaches, agents, financial advisers and shoe company employees trade on the trust of players and exploit their inability to be openly compensated because of N.C.A.A. amateurism rules.

Excuse me, ‘amateurism?’

College basketball has a long, baroque history of malfeasance involving under-the-table deals, but rarely, if ever, have federal investigators exposed such widespread corruption. The closest analogue is probably the point-shaving scandals of the early 1950s and 1980s.

Film at 11…



Classic Colbert from last night…

Trump talking about our flag in relation to others being ‘disrespectful’…excuse me?

This from a cretin who had 5 ! deferments, during the Vietnam War, for bones spurs and weak ankles.

You’re out-of-bounds, Donnie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Senate will NOT vote this week on the latest Republican healthcare bill, multiple GOP lawmakers and aides told the Wall Street Journal, New York Times and Washington Post, effectively ending ! the GOP’s bid to topple ObamaCare before a key deadline.

The move comes after it became clear yesterday that the measure would NOT attract enough GOP support.

This can be view in only one way: complete and total embarrassment for the 45th president, as well as the GOP as a whole; seven plus years to work on this bill; organize for it; deliberate on it; and, ZERO to show for it.


A political train wreck!

After this coming Saturday, a parliamentary vehicle expires ! that would have allowed the measure to pass with only Republican support. The health measure would then require 60 votes, eight more than the number of seats Republicans control.

“We plan to move forward with our next priority” and focus on a tax measure, Senate Majority Leader Mitch “Colonel” McConnell (R-KY) told reporters this afternoon.

Remember, since January 20th, The Weave has shown NO leadership on this, in addition to a complete lack of understanding of the bill, and the congressional process itself.

NEVER put forth a plan of his own.

NEVER made the case for any GOP plan.

In fact, he congratulated House Republicans on their first bill, then did a 180 and called it “mean,”…just think about the use of that word coming from his mouth.

It was going to be so-o-o-o easy…

America’s healthcare is on verge of repelling thousands off the rolls of coverage, of any kind, in the coming months.

ALL this winning is exhausting…


Trump is colossally mishandling the latest escalation with North Korea.

His ego and bullying words may have worked in the campaign, but they are only heightening emotions, and the drama, of this current situation…

Ri Yong Ho, North Korea’s foreign minister, said the U.S. had declared war on North Korea, and his country considered ALL possible responses to be on the table. He cited a Twitter post by Donald John Trump as the basis for saying the U.S. had declared ! war.

As a result, Ri said North Korea has “every right to make countermeasures, including the right to shoot down U.S. strategic bombers, even if they are not yet inside the airspace border of our country.”

U.S. warplanes on Saturday flew near the North Korean coastline north of the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea in a show of force.

The White House has dismissed Ri’s assertion and the Pentagon brushed off the military threat.

“We’ve not declared war on North Korea,” White House spokesman Sarah Huckabee Sanders [I told you we’d ALL miss little Sean] said, calling the suggestion by Ri “absurd.”

A Pentagon spokesman said the U.S. maintains the right to “fly, sail and operate” in international waters and airspace.

The comments by Ri came after days of rising rhetoric and tension between Washington and Pyongyang, including during last week’s gathering of world leaders at the U.N. General Assembly, where the crisis of North Korea’s drive for nuclear weapons topped the agenda.

Trump told the assembly the U.S. would ‘totally destroy” North Korea if it had to defend itself or its allies, calling its leader “Rocket Man.” Ri called Trump “mentally deranged” and said Pyongyang was prepared to test a hydrogen bomb over the Pacific Ocean.

He said a North Korean missile attack on the U.S. mainland had grown inevitable ? because of Trump’s words.

Ri singled out Trump’s Twitter message this past Saturday as a declaration of war. In it,  Trump said North Korea’s leadership would “not be around much longer” if it attempted to take action against the U.S. or its allies.

We are blessed, aren’t we, to have such a child as our head of of state?

Lastly, I think it’s also important to point out that China, Carrot Top‘s close friend from their days together at Mar-a-Lago, continues to militarize the South China Sea with their expansion of islands on top of reefs. They promised to stop multiple times, but haven’t! Now they have their ally, North Korea, poking its thumb in the eye of the U.S. with the development of nuclear weapons and a means to deliver them to the U.S.

China, without question, is trying to drive U.S. influence out of southeast Asia.

Are they, and their border neighbor, willing to go to war to meet that end?

This is now when palms start to get a bit moist…


This is where we ALL are now…at this moment in our history…

To minimize it…

To criticize it…

To expand upon it, incorrectly…

To disrespect it…

…would be the gravest of miscalculations.

It is exactly these kinds of historical moments that I, as a former Marine Corps Captain [Vietnam], feel the proudest to have served by my country!

NONE of us can allow a poisonous species like the 45th president to aggravate the human divides of this land!

Maturity ALWAYS achieves the higher ground!!!

Thank you, Representative Sheila Lee Jackson (D-TX), for showing us the importance of that precious word, “decency.”


As your time permits, I challenge each of you to spend a couple hours a month on the closest state-run university campus.

Just talking with the students about LIFE, today’s headlines and what their plans are over the next decade.

Here’s what you might run into…

Let me recommend going during the lunch hours [11-1:30]. Preferably in the food court area, or the respective student union complex.

It’s best NOT doing this on a full stomach…