Ever wonder why cities allow so much building in areas that could flood, like the coastal areas? Houston will have thousands of homes left behind with NO intention of repairing the flood damage, home owners will just walk away, let the bank have it.

Where and how will people put their lives back together?

Will the Small Business Administration set-up a permanent office in the greater Houston area, by Friday?

Houston is the largest city in the country without “zoning” laws. What will be the downsides? Trust me, you do NOT need to think about that question more than ten seconds…one word: Devastation.

Remember Barry Obama‘s Sandy Relief Bill ? That was NOTHING but pork…very little money for the victims. Horror stories still abound in many sections of the Jersey shore, even to this day! And, the press and media turned a blind eye, and gave him a pass!

To what level is the government subsidizing people to live in flood prone areas?

Are stormwater systems designed for anything much stronger than a heavy afternoon thunderstorm?

What are the responsibilities and functions of our Corps of Engineers?

How about using this disaster as a launching pad for the 45th president’s infrastructure deal? Certainly looks like Houston could use some new ideas to handle water overflows, as well as roads and bridges’ levels of safety.

“High-minded rhetoric” may be inspiring in the immediacy of a storm like Harvey. But…what counts is the treatment, local – state – federal resources and month-in, month-out support that displaced citizens receive long after the camera crews have left and the rest of the country has “moved on.”

What and how much daily pressure will be put on this White House and ALL elected officials from Texas to come to the aid of every one of these ‘displaced citizens’?

The horror of human suffering, NOT just this week, but for the coming months and years is incalculable, by any of the so-called experts!

Ben Carson is NOT the man to head up HUD! Johns Hopkins wants you back, Dr. Carson…

The number of lives, homes, cars, and jobs destroyed by Harvey will be staggering. With many living paycheck-to-paycheck, and NOT having flood insurance, this hurricane will wreck havoc with/on the economy for years to come.

Just think about this human situation for a moment: NOT having access to a real bed, the comforts of home, hot meals, one’s personal objects of security, medicines, records, and, the loss of everything cherished over a lifetime. The shock has NOT set in! The panic is NOT over!

Thinkif you were just wiped out of everything that you owned, your business destroyed, your work is gone, your bills are due, your car is ruined, school for your kids will NOT be starting, you can’t even think about the fact that one plastic bag full of dry clothes is now ALL that you own and you won’t have a home again. How would you feel? You can’t live in a Red Cross shelter forever.

The worse has yet to come for so many…

Put away the stiletto shoes!

Time to wake-up to the new world catastrophic poverty…

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