Donald John Trump threatens North Korea. Trump threatens China. Trump threatens Iran. Trump threatens the Senate. Trump threatens his staff. Trump threatens former “students” from his ill-fated temple of learning.  Trump threatens former sub-contractors.  Why, he ever threatens former wives, as we ALL know.

I think I see a pattern.

One enters Donnie’s sand box, only to play by his, and his alone, rules!

Electing misfit plutocrats is a big risk…

Like everything else in his bogus 2016 campaign, the current president promised ‘immediacy’ on a cascade of issues: ObamaCare; Budget; Tax Reform; Wall; and, dealing with China.

ALL this, and more, “within 100 days.” Remember?

Promises to rein in China.

Trump cited numerous problems: the North Korea military threat; China’s militarization of the South China Sea; unfair Chinese trade practices; trade imbalance with USA; China’s threatening relationship with Taiwan; Chinese currency manipulation, etc., etc., etc.


How many of his China promises has he accomplished?

Let me help, N-O-N-E

The only things we are aware of are the Chinese president’s extravagant visit at  Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club, and that China gave fast-track approval for new trademarks for Trump businesses in China.

Have I missed something?

Yesterday, The Weave signaled his chagrin at what he described as China’s inaction on North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic-missile ambitions.

On Friday, North Korea test-fired, once again, another ballistic missile that experts said put the continental U.S. in range of a strike, as far inland as Denver, illustrating rapid advancements in technology and intensifying Pyongyang’s standoff with Washington.

“I am very disappointed in China. Our foolish past leaders have allowed them to make hundreds of billions of dollars a year in trade, yet they do NOTHING for us with North Korea, just talk,” the 45th president wrote in a pair of posts on his Twitter [how else does a world leader address such critical and imminent matters??!!] account. “We will no longer allow this to continue. China could easily solve this problem!”

Other than his Twitter account, and his “constant” deranged threats, how else has this twisted specimen dealt with this potentially catastrophic issue?

Aunts and uncles, this is what’s under the hood of this obscene piece of feces…

Call you elected officials this morning, …because it ain’t goin’ get any better!

Get the ball rolling!

It’s NEVER easy to fumigate such odors and stench, from a swamp!!!!!!


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