Vlad is mad!

In an interview with Russian state television, Comrade Putin said the U.S. presence in Russia would be reduced by more than half, following passage of new sanctions legislation by our Congress [such courage by our men and women in Washington] that has further frayed ties between Moscow and Washington.

It is said that the 45th president intends ? to sign this legislation.

Before I go any further, can any one, rationally, explain “why,” in the name of Jay Z, we need over 1,470 employees in Russia?

The fact that we have this reported number of diplomats and staff in Russia is an  prime example of wasteful government over-staffing.

I do NOT pretend to begin to know the ‘correct’ number of striped suits, spies with silk ties, intelligence types, along with necessary staff…but, over !!! 1,470?!

This form of ‘featherbedding’ has gone to the extreme, from my perspective.

Or, am I missing something here?

Putin said yesterday that the U.S. would have to cut 755 diplomats and staff in the country by 1 September in retaliation for impending U.S. sanctions on Moscow.

It should be pointed out, that even with that many people in the employ of the Russian section, Putin was still able to dance his way into/across the border of Ukraine, and annex Crimea; confuse/stonewall U.S. efforts in Syria; for the time being go ‘weak-kneed’ as regards North Korea; and, be involved in last year’s defeat of Grandma Hillary with their still undefined meddling.

By the way, is Cowboy Rex back from his vacation yet?


Donald John Trump threatens North Korea. Trump threatens China. Trump threatens Iran. Trump threatens the Senate. Trump threatens his staff. Trump threatens former “students” from his ill-fated temple of learning.  Trump threatens former sub-contractors.  Why, he ever threatens former wives, as we ALL know.

I think I see a pattern.

One enters Donnie’s sand box, only to play by his, and his alone, rules!

Electing misfit plutocrats is a big risk…

Like everything else in his bogus 2016 campaign, the current president promised ‘immediacy’ on a cascade of issues: ObamaCare; Budget; Tax Reform; Wall; and, dealing with China.

ALL this, and more, “within 100 days.” Remember?

Promises to rein in China.

Trump cited numerous problems: the North Korea military threat; China’s militarization of the South China Sea; unfair Chinese trade practices; trade imbalance with USA; China’s threatening relationship with Taiwan; Chinese currency manipulation, etc., etc., etc.


How many of his China promises has he accomplished?

Let me help, N-O-N-E

The only things we are aware of are the Chinese president’s extravagant visit at  Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club, and that China gave fast-track approval for new trademarks for Trump businesses in China.

Have I missed something?

Yesterday, The Weave signaled his chagrin at what he described as China’s inaction on North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic-missile ambitions.

On Friday, North Korea test-fired, once again, another ballistic missile that experts said put the continental U.S. in range of a strike, as far inland as Denver, illustrating rapid advancements in technology and intensifying Pyongyang’s standoff with Washington.

“I am very disappointed in China. Our foolish past leaders have allowed them to make hundreds of billions of dollars a year in trade, yet they do NOTHING for us with North Korea, just talk,” the 45th president wrote in a pair of posts on his Twitter [how else does a world leader address such critical and imminent matters??!!] account. “We will no longer allow this to continue. China could easily solve this problem!”

Other than his Twitter account, and his “constant” deranged threats, how else has this twisted specimen dealt with this potentially catastrophic issue?

Aunts and uncles, this is what’s under the hood of this obscene piece of feces…

Call you elected officials this morning, …because it ain’t goin’ get any better!

Get the ball rolling!

It’s NEVER easy to fumigate such odors and stench, from a swamp!!!!!!



We are teetering on the edge of being in a country run like those Presidents or dictators in countries such as Syria, Russia, Turkey, the Philippines, and North Korea,  by having an unstable, arrogant, childish, and brazenly incompetent President.

General John F. Kelly, how can you go into that cesspool at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?

Via a tweet [the only way to conduct/perform such high-level responsibilities, right?], the 45th president replaced Chief of Staff Reince Priebus yesterday with Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly, a retired Marine Corps general.

The shift at the top of the White House hierarchy is aimed at bringing order ? to an administration that has been beset by infighting, as the current chief executive seeks to notch the sort of sweeping legislative victories that he promised during the campaign, but that have eluded him to this point.

Keep in mind, Kelly has absolutely NO legislative experience whatsoever. N-O-N-E!

This change rumored, and hinted about for weeks, must quickly:

  • Deal with, and bring discipline to the swamp, within the swamp, the White House itself and its staff;
  • Mend the growing disloyalty, and stop the hourly leaks;
  • Bring minute-by-minute order to the current resident’s life and schedule;
  • Monitor ALL tweeting – before and after – from our petulant head of state.

The former general can perform ALL of the above tasks/functions with minimum difficulty.

What Kelly will have to really wrestle with, other than the legislative aspects of the White House, are the following points of conflict:

  • Must insist the family go through him, and demand the elimination of immediate access to the Oval Office by the likes of Ivanka and her Ichabod Crane look-alike hubby [has to end as of this coming Monday];
  • Slick “Mooch” has to report directly to Kelly, NOT Carrot Top;
  • Steve Bannon has to have a brief ‘prayer meeting‘ with the general on ALL the virtues of true conversion to the rule of law.

If these aforementioned three elements have NOT been established, and agreed to, between The Weave and Kelly, then this honorably four-star Marine Corps general will fail!

Working in this White House is just one step up from being in Hell.



There was a deafening silence earlier this morning, after John McCain casted the deciding vote to defeat the so-called “Skinny” repeal of ObamaCare in the Senate.

Once again, the self-proclaimed ‘winner’ [remember, we ALL were going to get sick of winning cries on the campaign trail last year?] goes down again with another loss.

NOT that Carrot Top did anything credible during the last three weeks to explain these latest rounds of “repeal and replace” bills to fix our crumpling healthcare system(s) across the country…ALL he seemed to be able to muster, on a day-in, day-out basis, was childishly tweet and threaten any one around him.

Donald John Trump is a metastasizing clown, plain and simple, to any reasonably sane adult.

The Republican effort to dismantle ObamaCare collapsed ! early this morning when a slimmed-down Senate measure to pare back selected pieces of the 2010 health-care law failed, undermining the GOP leaders’ efforts to deliver on a longtime campaign promise.

Once again proving, you can’t make chicken soap out of chicken poop!

McCain (R-AZ) cast one of three GOP no votes that sank Senate Republicans’ latest effort to roll back a handful of elements of the law. GOP Senators Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska also joined with Democrats to block the measure in a 49-51 vote. The bill’s failure exposed the difficulty Senate Republicans faced in trying to corral 50 votes for any legislation making changes to ObamaCare, whether modest or major.

Bottom line for 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue: Z-E-R-O significant legislative accomplishment during the 45th president’s first seven months in office.



High drama yesterday in the Senate.


Then, our enigmatic Vice President Mike Pence broke a 50-50 tie, allowing Senate Republicans to clear a procedural hurdle and setting up a days-long stretch of debate and amendment votes on the GOP effort to dismantle and replace ! much of 2010 ObamaCare.

The two GOP defections came from Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, who joined ALL Senate Democrats in voting against proceeding to debate the legislation.

Even with their surprise win on the procedural motion, which seemed a long shot just last week, Republicans were subdued last night about their prospects of passing a sweeping overhaul of ObamaCare by week’s end.

Chaos defines the situation far better!

The first of Senate leaders’ health-care options, a bill toppling and replacing major portions of ObamaCare, gained only 43 votes to 57 against. That measure included a much-debated proposal from Ted Cruz (R-TX) allowing insurers who offer one ACA-compliant health plan to also sell cheaper insurance options that do NOT meet ObamaCare rules.

Watching the talking heads, as well as a handful of senators, from both sides of the aisle, last night on the cable networks was like something out of a skit from SNL.

The GOP, especially, seem literally stupefied when attempting to respond to any form of questioning.

“Colonel” McConnell was NO where to be found…

Today, the Senate is expected to take up a separate bill that would largely repeal ObamaCare with a two-year expiration date, to give lawmakers time !!!!!!! to craft a replacement.

For the love of Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes, and the late great Teddy Pendergrass, the GOP have had eight years already…

At this juncture, why ? doesn’t someone in Congress propose legislation to repeal the exemption Congress gave themselves ! on Obamacare. You know, the one where they get gold-plated healthcare off our hard working backs, and taxes, while the rest of the American people suffer the residual effects ! of their brain-dead healthcare policy.

Talk about the best incentive for a complete and utter repeal!

As they say at Melissa’s, “Giddy up, cowboy.”


An unusually large number of GOP senators have signaled resistance to taking even the first procedural step to begin debate on overturning 2010 ObamaCare. More than half a dozen GOP senators have said they would block debate on different versions of the health-care bill, though it remained up in the air exactly how many would vote NO this afternoon, depending on “specifically what” will be put before elected officials to debate/vote on.

That makes today’s vote to proceed with the consideration of legislation pivotal ! in either derailing Republicans’ health-care ambitions or inching them closer to reviving a bill that is still on shaky ground.

 Lawmakers typically vote with party leaders at least to begin debate on legislation, and failure to pass the motion would be a rebuke !!! for Senate Majority Leader “Colonel” McConnell (R-KY), who has argued that allowing debate to begin would give senators unhappy with the bill a chance to amend it.

In a late boost for GOP leaders, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) announced he would return to the Senate today. He has been recovering from surgery in Arizona, where he was diagnosed last week with a brain tumor.

The dissent from some senators, and the full-court press to get their votes, by Carrot Top, has turned what is typically a mundane procedural motion into a high-stakes/high-noon political gamble.

Have NO  doubt about this, today’s vote is ALL about the future !!! of our health care system in the US.

It is a battle between those who support a federally run, socialistic, single payer health care system built on the backs of taxpayers….and a free market, capitalistic approach featuring competition, innovation, and personal choice.

Once we go down the road of a federally run single payer system there will be NO turning back. Just look at how difficult it was/is for our politicians to even slow down ! ObamaCare’s Medicaid growth.

Also, let’s NOT forget how much ObamaCare’ s costs/subsidies have contributed to our monstrous federal deficit.


As each day rolls bye-bye, the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue reaffirms ! how “certifiably insane” he is to be the 45th president.

Again, yesterday, at the Boys Scouts of America Jamboree in West Virginia, The Weave gave his patented speech on ‘ME’ instead of the greatness of country, the flag, disciple, focus, loyalty, and “WE.”

This is a sick organism of existence…

What a lost soul Rick Perry is…go back and watch him for a couple of seconds.


To ALL mute proponents, please leave your stations in life, and exit the room NOW…

Speaking outside the White House today, Jared Kushner said his actions over the last two years “were proper and occurred in the normal course of events in a very unique campaign.”

Kushner addressed the press today after concluding an interview with the Senate Intelligence Committee, his first time speaking to congressional investigators who are probing Russian meddling in the election. Kushner said he would speak to a House panel tomorrow.

Ahead of the interview today, Kushner released an 11-page statement detailing his contacts with Russian officials and business-people in the two years since Mr. Trump launched his presidential campaign.

In that statement, he said he had NO improper interactions and that he had NOT “relied” on Russian funds to “finance [his] business activities.”

One thing is for certain: Jared is obviously NOT ready for prime time, else Republicans would have made his testimony live and in public!