“…First a surgeon, and then a Captain of Several Ships.”

One of the trillions of things that I’m noticing being a septuagenarian is how much smarter Jonathan Swift is in the 21st century, than he was in the mid-20th century. At least for me.

Gulliver’s Travels…the classic.

Well, guess what?

Donald John Trump risks seeming more like Gulliver, the giant tied down by an army of resilient, if smaller, adversaries…with each passing hour.

The Weave is confronting more opposition than any he faced in his barnstorming campaign, or anything seen in the first month of any modern presidency, with protests, legal challenges [NOT enough for me!!!], congressional opposition, and parts of the federal bureaucracy mobilizing to resist.

The scope of opposition to Carrot Top is remarkable for a new president. Others have faced protests and legal disputes [Nixon, Billy Clinton and W jump out at you, of course], but none of the magnitude and persistence that Tweety Bird has encountered so early in his presidency.

The anti-Trump resistance has helped block his immigration ban/policy; slow his health-care plan/agenda; delay his cabinet nominees; throw Mike Flynn out of the White House; and, shine a bright light on sleazeball Andy Puzder toward becoming our Labor Secretary, while turning many of Trump’s public appearances into occasions for raucous protests [NOT near enough, nor loud enough, for me, thank you!].

Trump has said that protests and legal challenges to his policies represent the clamor of sore losers who do NOT want to acknowledge that elections have consequences. Of course that’s true, but can just imagine the likes of Trump and his band of ‘deplorables’ if Grandma H had won…hello, Moto!

The most potentially corrosive resistance may yet come from within the federal bureaucracy itself. We’re already seeing/hearing sighs of that fracturing daily.

Many of the president’s lillypads and allies remain optimistic that he will regain his footing and rack up important victories in the future, like confirmation of Judge Neil Gorsuch [whom I like] to the Supreme Court, and passage of tax reform. But, to do so, even Trump’s sissies say his White House could use some tighter management by Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, including a crackdown on leaks. Getting a lot of sleep since the 20th of last month, Reince?

Broader opposition to Trump will mobilize during next week’s recess from decentralized, grass roots sources…literally across the country. The Prairie is very uneasy about the person wearing the red ball on his nose at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and has been since January 21, 2017.

By the way, is any one living in the White House any more?

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