You are about to watch 4:28 minutes of a self-proclaimed expert on Clinical Psychology, Dr. Lynne Meyer.

Another production from Citizens For America.

She is going to give her diagnostic evaluation of president-elect Donald John Trump.

But what, initially, struck me was that she takes a full 54 seconds of those 4:28 minutes talking about herself, her background, her degrees, and her experience(s)…

What does that mean?

Of ALL the American experts in psychiatric and psychological analysis that I’ve worked with, NONE of them would have taken more than 10-15 seconds, if that, introducing themselves, and then, on to matter at hand.

Let’s hope that this YouTube video is, at least, watched by Corey, Kellyanne and Jason…

By the way, how many jokes do you think Dr. Meyer could tell you, or me, or any one?


The German capital, Berlin, is on high alert late this afternoon, local time, after authorities said the suspect they had detained in connection with a deadly truck rampage through a Christmas market may have been the wrong man.

Police detained a Pakistani man last night after witnesses reported seeing the driver of the truck flee the devastated market in front of the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church.

The man taken into custody appeared to match the description supplied by the witnesses, though he denied having anything to do with the attack, Berlin police chief Klaus Kandt said.

By late afternoon, German officials were saying they were NOT certain they had the right man, and visitors and residents of the city were being urged by police to remain vigilant.


Elected the 45th US president…THE WEAVE.

While millions of people had petitioned the 538 members of the Electoral College to make Hillary Clinton president instead, and tens of thousands took to the streets [according to MSNBC] in the weeks after the election to protest Trump’s win, the official results came in as expected yesterday.

So take that Jill Stein and Mikey Moore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trump won the popular vote in 30 states and one of Maine’s districts – that state, along with Nebraska, splits up its electors by district – giving him an expected 306 electoral votes. He needed 270 to win.

While Clinton won nearly 2.9 million more votes than he did overall because she carried population-heavy states like California and New York, she won the popular vote in only 20 states plus Washington, DC, giving her an expected 232 electoral votes.

“We did it!” Trump tweeted [how else!] after the results were announced. “Thank you to all of my great supporters, we just officially won the election (despite all of the distorted and inaccurate media).” Carrot Top is classy and presidential until the very end, isn’t he?

Now to get my dosage of Nexium increased sometime this morning!


The US closed its main diplomatic missions in Turkey after a man fired shots outside its embassy NOT far from where the Russian ambassador was assassinated, further rattling nerves in a country hit by a string of terrorist attacks.

The person, as of this post, pulled out a pump-action shotgun hidden under his coat as he approached the US embassy in Ankara and fired some nine rounds in the air, according to Turkey’s state-run Anadolu news agency. Turkish police guarding the American mission detained the man and are investigating the incident, in which NO one was hurt.

The US mission said in a statement that it closed the embassy and its consulates for the day in Istanbul and in Adana – home to the joint Turkish-American air base Incirlik, used for strikes on Islamic State – after the 3:50 a.m. incident this morning local Turkish time.

The embassy is just a block from the contemporary art center where a policeman gunned down Russian Ambassador Andrei Karlov on Monday evening. It was NOT immediately clear whether the two incidents were related.


A young Turkish policeman, railing about Russia’s role in Syria’s bloody war, shot and killed Moscow’s ambassador to Ankara during an art opening Monday night, an attack that all three countries termed an act of terror.

A video of the attack showed the assailant, in black suit and white shirt, standing over the fallen diplomat with gun in hand, shouting, “Don’t forget Aleppo, don’t forget Syria.”

He continued: “Those who have a part in this atrocity will all pay for it, one by one.”

 Russian air power and special forces have helped turn the tide in Syria, including in recent weeks recapturing the city of Aleppo, in favor of the government of President Bashar al-Assad, who is battling an array of rebels and militant groups, some backed by Turkey and others the US. Although Ankara and Moscow have been on opposite sides of that struggle, official ties between the two have warmed this year. But many Turks blame Russia for the scale of the carnage across the border in Syria.


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin to brief him on the killing of the envoy, Andrey Karlov. Both capitals said they expect talks about an Aleppo cease-fire to go ahead in Moscow today.

Erdogan condemned the killing and said that it wouldn’t derail efforts to stop the bloodshed in Syria. The Turkish and Russian presidents both declared the attack a provocation aimed at Turkish-Russian relations.

Also, in Germany

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said earlier today that the deadly truck crash at a Berlin Christmas market was believed to have been a terrorist attack.

She said Monday’s attack, in which a black semitrailer plunged into crowd of holiday revelers at the market in front of the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church killing 12 people and injuring 48 others, may have been perpetrated by a migrant who had sought asylum in Germany.

German authorities questioned the sole suspect in a truck assault this morning. The suspect in the truck attack is from Pakistan. The man was born in the 1990s, it is NOT yet clear whether the man entered Germany as a refugee, as some German media reported.


A Polish man found in the truck was among the dead, Berlin police officials said, adding that he was a passenger in the cab of the truck. The owner, Ariel Zurawski, told Polish news channel TVN24, he had lost contact with the man who had been driving the truck earlier in the day – a cousin of his – in the early afternoon.

He said that he believed the driver might have been assaulted, and that he was confident his cousin was NOT behind the steering wheel at the time of the attack.

With early confirmation that the driver is from Pakistan, this tragedy could stoke tensions over a wave of migrants from Muslim countries that has fueled nationalist sentiment and roiled politics in Germany and across Europe.