James Comey has had another brutal week, which he has ONLY himself to blame.

Comey is the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

He appeared before more Congressional hearings this week as regards Hillary Clinton‘s inept tenure as our Secretary of State, from ’09-’13.

More specifically, these hearings had to do with:

  • Why wasn’t Grandma Clinton indicted for violations of the use of a private server;
  • Her mistreatment of classified materials/emails;
  • Her IT setup of a private server by an outside “unauthorized/unvetted contractor;”
  • Use/presence of certain attorneys during Clinton’s own deposition;
  • Clinton staff members, under suspicion themselves, allowed to sit in on Clinton’s own deposition;
  • and, the questionable granting of limited immunity by Comey to several highly suspect characters within this drama.

Having just laid out the above brief backdrop, grab a Diet Coke, and enjoy the following video of 22 minutes, where Director Comey is rendered helpless, thrashed, and completely embarrassed, as he should be…


Political thugs have been around forever!

For the latest edition, allow me to introduce to you, the 72nd Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Terence Richard “Terry” McAuliffe.

Within the Clinton circle, he’s just “Terry.”

Terry was/is one of biggest Clinton surrogates walking/talking on the face of Planet Earth. He co-chaired the ’96 Clinton (Slack Willie) re-election campaign, and was the chair for the 2008 Hillary for President campaign.

He’s been in the news for months, since early spring, for allegedly authorizing over 150,000 felons, with the Commonwealth, the privilege to vote. Once again proving the old Democrat party adage: Come one, come ALL…!

Such “flexibility” – lawful or NOT – was personified by Joe Kennedy, daddy of Jack Kennedy, in the ’60 presidential campaign against Richard “I’m NOT a crook” Nixon, with the delivery of suitcases of money across the country, to numerous party officials, in getting his son elected as our 35th president.

But, back to Grandma H’s pal, Mr. Terry.

Harrisonburg, Virginia officials and the FBI are now reporting that there is evidence of countless allegations of voter registration fraud, after reports surfaced of hundreds of application paperwork showing names of people that are NO longer amongst the living.


It’s an age-old tactic. Just ask Richard Daley, former mayor of Chicago, about his “bad boy performance” with the deceased in his Cook County in 1960. Oh, I’m sorry, Dick is dead!

Before the upcoming election, the Voter Registrar’s Office says that they’ll cancel the false voter registrations by submitting the list to their Electoral Board. Of course! Who’s going to supervise that episode of public mistrust, aunts and uncles. Terry? These false applications were originally brought to the Commonwealth Attorney General’s attention by family members of the deceased citizens used for the new voter registrations.

Terry, don’t be too concerned. Joe and Dick would have been so-o-o-o proud of you!


The Blue Light Special this week for the press, social media and ALL the cable networks is Trump and Women.

The past is fast becoming the present as regards the antics/temperament of Donald John Trump.

After the Trump National Golf Club in Rancho Palos Verdes opened for play in 2005, its world-famous owner did NOT stop by more than a few times a year to visit the course that runs along the coast of the Pacific.

When Trump did visit, the club’s managers went “on alert.” They scheduled the young, thin, pretty women on staff to work the clubhouse restaurant because when Trump saw less-attractive women working at his club, according to court records, he wanted them fired. That’s right, you read that correctly, “court records.”

“I had witnessed Donald Trump tell managers many times while he was visiting the club that restaurant hostesses were ‘not pretty enough’ and that they should be fired and replaced with more attractive women,” Hayley Strozier, who was director of catering at the club until 2008, said in a sworn court statement, according to The Los Angeles Times.

Initially, Trump gave this command almost every time he visited, Strozier said. Managers eventually changed employee schedules “so that the most attractive women were scheduled to work when Mr. Trump was scheduled to be at the club,” she said.

A similar story is told by former Trump employees in court documents filed in 2012 in a broad labor relations lawsuit brought against one of Trump’s development companies in Los Angeles County Superior Court.

The employees’ court statements in support of the lawsuit, which have NOT been reported in detail until now, show the extent to which they believed The Weave pressured subordinates at one of his businesses to create and enforce a culture of beauty, where female employees’ appearances were prized over their intellectual skills. Just imagine the length and breathe of a Trump administration, aunts and uncles.

Trump’s record with women got renewed attention after this week’s presidential debate, when Hillary Clinton told the story of a former beauty pageant winner who said Trump called her “Miss Piggy” when she gained weight.

The bulk of the lawsuit was settled in 2013, when golf course management, without admitting any wrongdoing, agreed to pay $475,000 to employees who had complained about break policies. An employee’s claim that she was fired after complaining about the company’s treatment of women was settled separately; its terms remain confidential.

If any one wants a pattern to Trump’s life, it’s simple: LAWSUITS & SETTLEMENTS.


The older I get, the more I seem to be influenced by past behavior of my family.

A case in point is the reading of newspapers.

I can vividly remember times, at the ages of 2, 3, 4, 5, either sitting on my great maternal grandmother’s lap or just being around the dining room reading and listening to family conversations caused by something that was in the newspaper.

My mother ALWAYS claimed that that was really how I learned to read.

As I’ve mentioned before in this blog, the newspaper held an important place in my family’s daily activities/beliefs/prejudices/worries/joys.

And, it certainly still does with me. I love going out to get our local and state newspapers every morning. The real newspaper(s)! Ink smudges ALL over your thumb and index finger!

Sadly, with social media and hand-held devices those feelings are rapidly disappearing. Let me just say it: It has vanished from society. And, the younger generations could care less! Well, if the truth be told, the news doesn’t matter to many of them any way.

If you think I am exaggerating that point, just watch and listen to the millennials being interviewed at the 2016 candidates’ rallies – either before or after an event. Makes one want to take an ice pick to your ear-drums (come to think about it, do ice-picks even exist any more?).

With ALL of the above being said, it brings me to the question of whether newspapers, and their respective endorsements for political candidates, means anything to any one any more?

I think it does!

Especially, for those 45 and older…

Those under 45-years of age, for the most part, I’ve lost contact with their sense of reality.

Which brings me to this past Tuesday, and the editorial page of The Arizona Republic.

The newspaper, founded in 1890, had NEVER endorsed a Democrat over a Republican for president. Tuesday, it committed the unmentionable, it endorsed Hillary Clinton.

In endorsing Grandma Clinton, The Republic’s editorial was, by any interpretation, scathing toward her opponent, Donald John Trump. “Trump responds to criticism with the petulance of verbal spit wads,” the editorial said at one point. “That’s beneath our national dignity.” Trump’s long history of objectifying women and his demeaning comments about women during the campaign are not just good-old-boy gaffes,” the editorial added. “They are evidence of deep character flaws. They are part of a pattern.”


The newspaper is NOT the first this year to break with its long tradition of endorsing Republicans for president. The Dallas Morning News, which had NOT supported a Democrat for president since before World War II, and The Cincinnati Enquirer, which has endorsed Republicans for nearly 100 years, have backed Clinton. The Houston Chronicle, which has in the past endorsed a Democrat for president, but which typically supports Republicans, avoided Trump in July [convention time], long before endorsements are generally published in an election year.

The papers lay out different reasons for supporting Clinton over Trump: His lack of political experience versus her established political career, his outbursts and insults versus her steadiness; and, some are perhaps more repudiations of The Weave than glowing endorsements of Grandma Clinton, whose faults are also cited.

NOTHING talks history like having ink on your hands!


Donald “The Weave” Trump and women.

Women are/will be crucial to the election of Trump, and any future residency at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, as of January 20, 2017.

Whether one believes the current poll numbers/percentages, Carrot Top appears to be in serious trouble with that gender of voters.

Any one of the reported 80 million plus people that watched this past Monday night to the first presidential debate between The Dishonest Don and Grandma Hillary Clinton was privileged to witness this exchange…

Who is this female who has become the poster child for some past misadventures of The Trumpster?

The 1996 Miss Universe (which was the year that Trump bought the beauty contest).

Venezuela’s Alicia Machado…

But, here’s the best part of the discovery of Machado; as you will see and hear the former Miss Universe was “not a saint girl.” Pay close attention to her facial expressions, and body language as Cooper raises the matter of Machado being Bonnie Parker 2.0…

By ALL accounts, however, Miss Universe was one helleva driver!

I can NOT wait for the next two debates…

At this point, I think I’m correct in saying the 45th president of our United States will usher in Doomsday for 320 million of us.

So sit back, microwave some popcorn, have a beverage of your choice, and stop worrying about our $20 trillion debt; our collapsing healthcare system; our Veterans Administration; our conflict with terrorism and the Islamic State; cybersecurity; our classrooms; our infrastructure; Iran; Syria; Iraq; North Korea; Russia; oh hell, the entire Middle East; and, ALL the excitement in and around the Pacific Rim with our friends in China.

Our candidates aren’t!



Please come down, Gary Johnson.

The Libertarian Party’s 2016 presidential nominee, aunts and uncles…

After howling at the moon for the better part of the evening, I think the only nomination that the former governor of New Mexico [how in the name of ALL the PoliSci professors was this toad ever elected in his home state?] warrants is replacing Whoopi Goldberg as the new host of The View, and its group of long-serving members of the East Coast chapter of Mensa

Gary, it’s time to go back to the evolution of Cannabis!


BOTH the House and the Senate have over-ridden a veto by President Obama, for the first such time during his presidency this afternoon.

The House voted 348-77 just hours after the Senate, in a 97-1 vote, moved to overturn  Obama’s Friday veto of a bill, having to do with families of the victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks pursuing the right to sue Saudi Arabia for any alleged role in the attacks, which the kingdom has denied.

Specifically, the bill would establish an exception to US laws barring lawsuits against foreign governments, allowing court action by victims of terrorist attacks on American soil.

The White House has warned that the US could ultimately end up facing lawsuits in foreign courts, putting American service members at legal risk, should the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act take effect, a view shared by numerous legal scholars and countless international law experts. Of that, there can be little doubt. It could, and may, affect how we conduct our convert, as well as our military operations around Planet Earth. That would erode sovereign immunity, a legal doctrine that goes back centuries and generally protects national governments, including the US, from being sued against their will. Other countries could seize on the legislation as a pretext to open their own courts to lawsuits against the US government, with potential grievances ranging from drone strikes to prisoner mistreatment.


Historically, US law has allowed lawsuits against foreign governments, if at all, ONLY under limited circumstances. For instance, when a foreign government operates a commercial enterprise, such as an airline, it may be held liable for misconduct like similar privately owned businesses.

In addition, our Federal laws also permit lawsuits against foreign governments designated by the US as “state sponsors of terrorism” for personal injury or death resulting from torture, sabotage and terrorist acts.

Saudi Arabia, which has denied any official connection to the Sept. 11 attacks, lobbied vigorously against the legislation.

There will be much, much, much more on this issue in the coming weeks.



Earlier this morning, Shimon Peres, one of the founders of the state of Israel, died of complications of a massive stroke, at the age of 93, in a Tel Aviv hospital.I was four-years old when then president of the United States, Harry Truman, recognized the establishment of the sovereign state of Israel in May 1948.

The former Israeli leader suffered a major stroke earlier this month. His condition deteriorated significantly yesterday.

President Obama is expected to attend the funeral, according to a White House spokesman. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, her husband and former  president Bill Clinton, and Britain’s Prince Charles are also expected to attend.

Obama said Americans owed Peres a debt of gratitude for his efforts to strengthen ties, stretching back to his work with the administration of John Kennedy. “No one did more over so many years as Shimon Peres to build the alliance between our two countries,” he said.

Over a seven decade career, Peres served as prime minister, president and Labor Party chief. He was the last surviving member of a group of leaders who witnessed the creation of the state of Israel in 1948, including David Ben-Gurion, Moshe Dayan, Golda Meir and Ariel Sharon, among others.

At the height of his career, he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994 for negotiating the Israeli-Palestinian peace deal that became known as the Oslo Accords. He shared it with Yitzhak Rabin, a rival Labor leader, and Yasser Arafat, the longtime Palestine Liberation Organization chief.

The accords outlined steps toward a two-state solution to the decades long Israeli-Palestinian conflict – a vision that still has NOT been realized.

In 2012, Obama presented Peres, then 88-years old, and Israel’s president, with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in America

Initially, Peres supported Jewish settlement in the West Bank and Gaza – land captured during the 1967 Middle East war. But, he focused his later years on promoting a peaceful resolution with the Palestinians based on separate states.

A little over a year ago, Shimon Peres gave a marvelous TED Talk that I’ve taken the liberty of including with this posting (well-worth! 20 minutes of your time)…




Image result for clinton trump debate

There were NO hostages taken last night at Hofstra University, during the first 2016 Presidential Debate.

But, when the circus left town, every one could have found something that had entertained them.

American politics, NOT just this election year, but going back to 1980 – when Reagan beat Carter – has become a “clown act.”

In thinking about it, it goes back better than thirty-six years ago, when Ted Turner changed the face of world news with the start-up of the 24-hour news cycle known as CNN.

Nothing has been close to sanity since that time!

Over the last fifteen years, we’ve had the tremendous influx of instantaneous technology, and immediate social news, and BANG!…we’re ALL actors on that stage.

Thus, the circus was in town last night in Hempstead, New York.

First impression at the start of the evening, NBC’s anchor, Lester Holt, and the debate moderator, was way, way out of his depth. After he was introduced, it became immediately apparent, to me, he was going to be in serious trouble – obvious nervousness; quivering voice; and, surprisingly, continuous shuttering (which showed during his questioning of the two candidates over the course of their ninety-five minute fiasco).

Holt NEVER gained control of the debate: a) allowed BOTH candidates to constantly extend beyond their allotted time – NOT by a few seconds here and there, but by minutes, during each segment of questioning/responses; b) allowed BOTH to constantly talk in generalities, and NOT specifics – especially with Trump on his taxes, his eight year run with birtherism on Obama, civil rights and NATO; and, c) NEVER brought up to Clinton the matter of partial immunity being granted for five of her personal staff/IT personnel vis a vis their Congressional and FBI testimonies surrounding her private server scandal; as well as NOTHING on the Benghazi State Department killings; and whether there was any reason to be concerned with the possibilities of a “pay-for-play” within The Clinton Foundation as regards foreign countries/leaders/business persons.

There’s little doubt that Grandma Clinton won on debating points. She can master a briefing book, and hours of pre-debate prep, from the first answer she dumped most of it on The Weave. And, the longer the debate rolled along, the more obvious his lack of debate preparation was to any object observer. Countless sniffles! Beaucoup slips of aqua! The central argument of her campaign is to elect her because The Dishonest Don is “unfit” to be President, and her strategy was to taunt him with attacks on his business record that ALWAYS seem to drive him to distraction, and become visibly unhinged.

And sure enough, Carrot Top often took the bait, wasting time on details about his company’s history while barely going on offense against the Clinton Foundation. He also could NOT resist a long, defensive explanation of his opposition to the Iraq war, and why he has NOT released his tax returns.



There have been very few political events that have reached such levels of anticipation as the First Presidential Debate tonight, at Hofstra University.

Some of the networks are planning almost wall-to-wall coverage, starting at noon ET.

Like many things in life, I try to look at it as simplistically as possible.

Having said that, the key element between BOTH Trump and Clinton, for me, will be who sets the “tone” over the ninety minutes of their debate.

It’s NOT about the zingers in the end! Control the tone! There is ALWAYS a threshold question for every debate prep: Do we want a hot or cool debate? It’s a critical decision that can drive much of the prep. Even against the most aggressive questions from a moderator – NBC’s Lester Holt – or, assaults from your opponent, a candidate can ALWAYS deescalate or escalate, if prepared. When it’s a candidate’s turn to speak, it’s like that moment in a basketball game when a player has the ball and is setting up for a play. See the court, the entire floor, enjoy the control. Most mistakes are made in a debate when a candidate is following, NOT setting, the rhythm and intensity of exchanges. That’s how a candidate gets baited into a heated response. You have a minute and a half to three minutes to say anything you want. Relax, take a breath, run your play.