As we ALL know, except for me, NO one, anywhere, is happy these days.

It does NOT matter what one’s persuasion is, NO one is happy with anything or any one these dog days of the summer of 2016.

Absolutely, NO living breathing person! But, me.

Even with Slick Willie last night at the Democratic National Convention giving his long-winded Keynote Address talking about the “virtues” of his beloved wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton…

I, deliberately, tuned in to watch the immediate reaction from MSNBC‘s appointed feminist, Rachel Maddow.

Ms. Maddow did NOT disappoint me. She is so-o-o-o-o predictable, aunts and uncles…

Just a side note/question: Why is Brian Williams still on television?

For those of you wondering why I’m so happy. Three reasons: Best wife on the planet; best family on the planet; and, over the next 100 or so days, there’s going to be anarchy in the streets leading us ALL up to walking into the voting booths on Tuesday, November 8th.

There’s NO better value for pure entertainment than what I’ve just described. So, let me see some smiles!



Well, as we ALL know that’s NOT going to happen.

The first four games of this NFL season, the New England Patriots will be without Tom Brady. Thanks to pro football’s “imperial wizard,” Commissioner Roger Goodell, Brady has been suspended for those games due to ‘alleged allegations’ [NEVER proven!] that Brady tampered with footballs during the 2015 AFC Championship game against the Indianapolis Colts, which the Patriots won, 45-7. Ironically, when the balls were changed, upon the request of the Colts, at halftime of this specific game, the Patriots scored 28 points, in the second half, while the Colts NEVER scored at ALL.

28-0, Roger!

Roger is what’s known as a d%!k in romance novels, if one gets my analogy.


Unlike most Pats fans, I am NOT optimistic, at ALL, about the upcoming season for the Pats. They open on the road against a potentially Super Bowl team in the Arizona Cardinals; the next three games, thankfully, are at home, at Foxboro, against Miami, Houston and Buffalo (a divisional rival).

The backup quarterback for the Pats is third-year pro Jimmy Garoppolo, who has taken ALL of 44 snaps over his actual “in game” experience. NOT good!

The element of Brady’s suspension that NO one is talking about is the fact that Brady will NOT be allowed to practice at ALL with the Pats during his suspension. Also, NOT good! Rust is an element in professional sports that can NOT be disguised.

I have yet to talk with any of my lifelong friends, or any Patriot fan on Planet Earth, that isn’t really, I mean really pissed, about this whole incident, and at the imperial wizard, Goodell.

Well, Jimmy G, you’re up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


During the course of the evening last night while watching the 2016 Democratic National Committee, I heard some unbelievable body count numbers, in addition to campaign office logistics.

And, they came from BOTH MSNBC and CNN, at different times (I love my remote!).

The numbers that I am referring to have to do with the respective staffs of BOTH campaigns.

The commentators on the above two cable networks pointed out that the Clinton campaign had offices in each of the 50 states, with a total staff count of between 775-835 people, as of last night.

While in the case of the Trump campaign, they were in only 10 states with offices: New York; New Jersey; Pennsylvania; Ohio; Virginia; Indiana; Michigan; Florida; Nevada; and, California. And, the combined staff count is somewhere between 80-90 people (these Trump numbers have been unverifiable), also as of last night.

As of Friday of this week, the day after the Democratic convention ends, there will be 103 days left before the country votes on Tuesday, November 8th.

The other crucial factor to make mention of is that the Trump campaign is terribly underfunded as of today, against the huge “war chest” of the Clinton campaign coffers.

Reality will begin to set in for The Weave next week about the cost of ‘big-boy politics’ – like it hasn’t yet in this stretch run for residency at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

But, the more I think about what I’ve just laid out with the numbers, the more NONE of it may matter.

This election has bordered on insanity, and the fact may be that only the sane ones have booked reservations at asylums for Wednesday, November 9th, once the dust settles.


DON HEWITT, right wing conspirator?

Remember this…

Or, maybe this…

Maybe, it was just Steve Kroft as the attack dog…

And, maybe, just maybe, it was the disingenuous Katie Couric…

Talk about the “evolution of humankind”….

Mrs. Clinton survived them ALL, and a hellava lot more, aunts and uncles.

American’s possible First Grandmother may well crash through the ‘imperial’ glass ceiling this November.

She passed the second stage of that process late this afternoon after her party nominated her at the 2016 Democratic National Convention as their nominee.

If nothing else, Grandma H is one tough cookie!

BEDFORD, NH’S favorite daughter

Sarah Silverman.

Hate her political stance(s); love her sarcasm about everything, and everyone. RELENTLESS!

I wish she had her own weekly show, open to any, and ALL. Why one of the cable networks hasn’t optioned Silverman for a trial year is beyond me.

Also, I would love to see/listen to her go ‘toe-to-toe’ with the likes of Bill O’Reilly and/or Sean Hannity between now and Tuesday, November 8th…

One more thing I want to point out. Could any one be more insufferable than Al Franken?!



This morning around 10 am local time, in the small town of Saint Etienne du Rouvay (Normandy region), France, a 85 year-old Catholic priest was murdered by two assailants interrupting daily Mass.

The Islamic State has claimed credit/responsibility [how vulgar!].

These two men took five hostages, initially, as they prepared to execute Father Jacques Hamel, an auxiliary priest (Hamel had long since retired) in the community, and who was loved by every one.

“Allahu Akbar” was repeatedly yelled by the two murders throughout this incident of terror.

The two cretins were killed as they tried to leave the church by local police.

A formal statement from the Islamic State, this afternoon, claimed the mission for its “soldiers” in carrying out the attack.

Five people were held by the attackers during the siege, including the pastor, two nuns and several worshippers.

The alarm was first raised by a third nun who escaped from at the church, which is located on the outskirts of the city of Rouen.

Security sources said one of the murderers was a convicted terrorist, who was being monitored with an electronic tag, and should have been living with his parents.

He was allowed out unsupervised between 8.30am and 12.30pm. The mass at Saint Etienne’s church started at 9am.

The same source said the church was one of a number of Catholic places of worship on a ‘terror hit-list,’ discovered on an ISIS suspect in April 2015 – raising serious questions about France’s intelligence agencies.



This afternoon, United States cybersecurity experts, including the F.B.I., are looking into the possibility of Russia being behind the hacked emails of the Democratic National Committee.

“Just because you find an AK-47 at a crime scene doesn’t mean a Russian pulled the trigger,” said J.J. Thompson, chief executive of Rook Security, an Indianapolis-based firm.

Throughout this afternoon, during the chaos and intense rumors of ruptures with “speaker confrontation” scheduled for tonight’s activities at the 2016 Democratic National Convention, there, also, has been an undercurrent of speculation (nothing of which has been substantiated as I post this) surrounding the initial theft of the DNC files may have been perpetrated by sophisticated Russian hackers.

In an article published today, the New York Times reported that researchers at CrowdStrike, an Irvine, Calif.-based cybersecurity firm, had concluded the breach was the work of two Russian intelligence agencies, or people working for or with them.

Crowdstrike declined to comment on such speculation. However, in May and June, they made comment(s) that an analysis it had completed of the long-known intrusion into the DNC’s computer network was the work of Russian intelligence-affiliated adversaries, one of whom it called Cozy Bear and, the other, Fancy Bear.

However, cybersecurity experts within the industry, say it’s extremely difficult to know exactly who is behind an attack without the kind of on-the-ground surveillance that only government agencies are able to provide.

“Identifying attackers by the digital tools they use is NOT easy. While intrusions tend to leave traces — digital DNA — these can sometimes be spoofed,”  said Mark McArdle, chief technology officer with eSentire, a Canadian computer security company with offices in the United States.

In law enforcement investigations of such criminal activity, the questions are always who had the means, the motive, and the opportunity.

In this instance, the pool of those with the means is very small. McArdle limited it to the Israelis, the Chinese, the North Koreans, the Russians, and, a few extremely sophisticated criminal groups (which were unnamed).

The F.B.I. said in a statement that it was investigating the intrusion into the DNC’s computer network, and was “working to determine the nature and scope of the matter.”

Exactly how long the F.B.I. has been investigating the matter is unknown.

Can you just imagine the story it would be if The Weave has “willing partners” in BOTH Julian The Great, and his bromance buddy, Vladimir “Cozy Bear” Putin to go after Grandma Hillary?

Only in the movies, aunts and uncles, so calm down.


The Bern is finding out that it’s tough trying to calm his Merry Men & Women of Sherwood…

Chaos throughout the realm!

And, sadly, NO Robin Hood and Maid Marian. Just legions of Sir Guy of Gisbourne and the High Sheriff of Nottingham, and their sycophants at the big money Political Action Committees (PACs).

But, one still may entertain the likes of Gary Johnston or Jill Stein.