I went to bed last night in a state of utter frustration, as a result of yesterday’s five primaries. THE WEAVE is now firmly in place to secure the GOP nomination for the presidency in July at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

If my maternal grandmother (from whom my love for the game of politics comes from) woke up this morning, she would say, “I’m simply in a state of apoplexy!” She could use the word ‘apoplexy’ in / with anything that upset her, other than with me…of course.

We’re looking at a situation, this morning, where there are five seconds of the clock, with NO remaining time-outs, it’s third down, and you’re down by four points, with the ball on your own forty-five yard line. Theoretically, time only for one play!

The brilliance (?) of the GOP elites this morning centers around them making waves, stupidly, of organizing the possibility of a third candidate, such as the likes of troubled Senator Kelly Ayotte (NH), or, current Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. Ms. Ayotte (a John McCain protege) is already struggling in her own bid to just get re-elected in her home state. Makes NO sense at all! And, I can NOT envision Paul Ryan being a party to the further tearing away of the fabric of the GOP any more than it already is on 16 March 2016.

Plus, a third candidate (independent run?!) campaign would “guarantee” 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to Grandma Hillary.

But such rumors as we’re hearing from the Republican party this morning do NOT surprise me in the least, considering that the party is under the leadership of its head Munchkin, little Reince Priebus. I can almost see last night’s angst within the Council of Munchkins, as they watched the results being tabulated, can’t you?

Reince, you and the rest of Munchkinland have deserved baring witness to the enlarged, and growing weekly, bounties of one Donald John Trump. You and your “circle of little folks,” and big money donors ignored Carrot Top from the start, back in late spring of last year. And, in the process of the following nine plus months, really since the official Trump announcement on June 16th, the GOP has become fractured. Immeasurably!!! Almost every 24-hours, it seems to me, there is another miscalculation, or faux pas.

It is safe to say, NONE of the Munchkins are members of Mensa…

Drop the idea of a third candidate run, Reince.

Start the process – NOW – of consolidating around both Cruz and THE WEAVE, and negotiate in good faith on who can / may / should get what come January 20, 2017.

Which means that ALL you clowns concerned, at the moment, have to grow-up (NO easy task!); dispense with the “theatrics;” and start to display a noticeable unity toward the mood(s) of the middle class of this country for starters.


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