I hope CNN has been hosing down their veteran correspondent Jake Tapper after this morning’s interview with THE WEAVE. He appears to have been soiling himself…

This was such an embarrassment watching how Carrot Top makes Tapper swallow the “pablum” offered up in response to questions pertaining to David Duke (former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan } KKK), and other like-minded White Supremacist groups.

This fact has be going around since The Donald’s official announcement, last June 16th, pertaining to his getting in to the GOP race. Such groups have been adamant about their support for Trump, and his ‘deportation’ plans: Make America White Again! Lewdness of the first order.

Tapper just seems to accept Donnie Boy’s comments; ABSOLUTELY no attempt at challenging the remarks by this serpent. Probably wishing he had worn his Depend Underwear for the show.

Trump saying he “doesn’t know anything about this” is the exact type of response that every one has allowed to happen….continuously, with this fraud.

Since Trump professes such ignorance, let me furnish some current facts, provided by the Southern Poverty Law Center, about the KKK:

  • The Klan exists, right now, in 25 of the 50 states in America; including, I’m sad and embarrassed to say in Maine;
  • There are numerous splinter groups / associations of the Klan;
  • There appears to be (impossible to definitely tell) roughly 25-30,000 active / announced members across the country;
  • And, as we’ve witnessed over the past couple of weeks, in South Carolina and California (Los Angeles), there were numerous rallies by the KKK, resulting in violent confrontations.

Where is the pressure on this sideshow entertainer? Why is everyone, from the cable news media, the press, former business partners, and current serving politicians so-o-o intimated by this cretin? Is it fear of being slapped with a lawsuit? If every one, including the GOP itself, had done their due diligence on ALL the available information, background exposure, and business practices of THE WEAVE, the fear would NOT be such a prevailing concern as it is presently, in ALL corners of the known world.

If he wins in ten of the twelve states on Super Tuesday, March 1st, as is currently being projected according to polling data, with the potential of garnering 325-500 of the available 570 (I think I’m close to the available total outstanding), than Mr. Trump would have over a 1/3 of the necessary 1,237 needed to win the GOP nomination.

That’s a clear-cut cause, and indicator, of ‘acid reflux‘ by any respected medical standard, and recognized accreditation.

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