Last night the Master of Ceremonies for the 88th Academy Awards, Chris Rock, was NOT as advertised: provocative, edgy, and humorous while cutting into the edge(s) of diversity and race within the film industry. By any stretch of one’s imagination, Rock was little more than a ‘rolling stone.’

Diversity. Provocation. Going after “the man.” Making every one feel uncomfortable. Taking down “whitey.”

Over the past month, fellow comedians have said Rock was a “can’t miss!” Perfect person for the temperature of the room. Will gorge the “beast.”

I don’t think so…

Did NOT happen.

From the moment Rock walked out on to stage, under the glare of the lights, in front of 650 million plus world-wide viewers, he started to self-destruct; melting away like butter in a microwave. He stood there, and to use a baseball analogy, took three straight pitches, and walked back to the dugout. He struck out with the bases loaded!

I was really surprised! It was completely unexpected for me and my wife watching Chris, fall like a Rock, literally. Major disappointment! I wanted him to attack the industry with very defined satire. Forget about attacking Will Smith, and family. That’s too easy, Chris.

Let me put it another way. How many people, at home, watching got the Suge Knight bit? NONE, until they googled good old Suge this morning. Knight is the former co-founder and CEO of Death Row Records, and is now in jail for circumstances surrounding a hit-and-run accident last year.

Before I end this post, allow me to recommend a candidate for next year’s OSCARS, Louis C.K….


I love the genius of humor!

Jon Oliver is one of the Lobsterman’s favorites.

Make sure each of you sends this video to friend and foe before the clocks strike twelve this evening.

Time to forget the mascot, and hone in on the man!

Please NO Drumpfinator! There’s less than thirty-six hours before the gates are opened to the consequences (unintended as they may well be!) of Super Tuesday voting, aunts and uncles.


It looks more and more like Grandma Hillary Clinton, and her husband’s past administration will have to deal with the sober fact, beyond major problems (as of my post, ALL still unresolved pertaining to whether she will be indicted by the F.B.I.) with the use of her personal server while conducting her former governmental duties and responsibilities as our Secretary of State during the first term of President Obama, that Grandma H appears to being facing growing indignation from the African-American community. And, specifically, with another one of the black community’s very influential voices.

The below video was emailed to me late last night from a regular follower of the blog, who lives in Chicago.

It’s an address, from yesterday, by the leader of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan, the eighty-two year old religious minister of the group. Pay close attention to the mood and faces of members of the Nation of Islam in attendance…

The times right now are tenuous at best, throughout the country.

East, West, North, and South. Enough is enough of Washington. Corrupt politicians. A “do-nothing” Congress. Lying is preferable to honesty.

Every one feels they have NO voice! Their own elected officials are afraid to face them with resolutions, for fear it might / could / would affect their own election chances.

There’s little doubt, at all, in my mind, that much more of this inflamed rhetoric is on the horizon, and will be delivered in an escalating ugly fashion.

Much more, sadly!


Generational greatness…

A “must see.”

Check your local listings for when the Golden State Warriors play a game on the tube!

Number 30! Stephen Curry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Needs to be guarded from the time he leaves the locker room, until the final horn.

This video is from last night’s game against the Oklahoma City Thunder, in OKC.


I hope CNN has been hosing down their veteran correspondent Jake Tapper after this morning’s interview with THE WEAVE. He appears to have been soiling himself…

This was such an embarrassment watching how Carrot Top makes Tapper swallow the “pablum” offered up in response to questions pertaining to David Duke (former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan } KKK), and other like-minded White Supremacist groups.

This fact has be going around since The Donald’s official announcement, last June 16th, pertaining to his getting in to the GOP race. Such groups have been adamant about their support for Trump, and his ‘deportation’ plans: Make America White Again! Lewdness of the first order.

Tapper just seems to accept Donnie Boy’s comments; ABSOLUTELY no attempt at challenging the remarks by this serpent. Probably wishing he had worn his Depend Underwear for the show.

Trump saying he “doesn’t know anything about this” is the exact type of response that every one has allowed to happen….continuously, with this fraud.

Since Trump professes such ignorance, let me furnish some current facts, provided by the Southern Poverty Law Center, about the KKK:

  • The Klan exists, right now, in 25 of the 50 states in America; including, I’m sad and embarrassed to say in Maine;
  • There are numerous splinter groups / associations of the Klan;
  • There appears to be (impossible to definitely tell) roughly 25-30,000 active / announced members across the country;
  • And, as we’ve witnessed over the past couple of weeks, in South Carolina and California (Los Angeles), there were numerous rallies by the KKK, resulting in violent confrontations.

Where is the pressure on this sideshow entertainer? Why is everyone, from the cable news media, the press, former business partners, and current serving politicians so-o-o intimated by this cretin? Is it fear of being slapped with a lawsuit? If every one, including the GOP itself, had done their due diligence on ALL the available information, background exposure, and business practices of THE WEAVE, the fear would NOT be such a prevailing concern as it is presently, in ALL corners of the known world.

If he wins in ten of the twelve states on Super Tuesday, March 1st, as is currently being projected according to polling data, with the potential of garnering 325-500 of the available 570 (I think I’m close to the available total outstanding), than Mr. Trump would have over a 1/3 of the necessary 1,237 needed to win the GOP nomination.

That’s a clear-cut cause, and indicator, of ‘acid reflux‘ by any respected medical standard, and recognized accreditation.


Based on THE WEAVE’s previous business relationships, and practices, we may well be looking at his vetting process for all his “future” cabinet members…

This appears to be our 45th president of the United States of America, aunts and uncles.

And, the takedown will NOT be for just a count of three, it’ll be for four excruciating years – forty-eight months – 1,460 days!

The lines for purchasing Carrot Top’s snake oil will be forming to the left of the stage!!!

I don’t HAVE my MFA!

My number three son goes crazy when I get into my “let me explain” attitude about movies: the making of movies; the right and wrong with the casting of a movie; analyzing what’s good and bad with movies; that film critics are horrific reviewers / writers; and, so forth.

He is in the industry.

“Yep, you’re always right, Dad. It’s only you that gets it.”

“You’re the expert, Dad.”

“You’re the only one in the world that said Blade Runner would be a classic. Only you, Dad!”

“No, you’re wrong, Dad. I don’t see that’s it at all. You’re missing the point!”

“Come on, Dad. Tom Hanks plays Tom Hanks in every movie. No reach; no out-of-character part.”

You get the picture. Good old family talk. The cradle rocks the father!

As you know, I bombed Hail, Caesar a couple of weeks ago. NOT even worth waiting for it to be on TBS ten years from now. If TBS is smart they’ll forget about buying the rights!

Having said that, I remain a big fan of the Coens. They have given me hundreds of minutes of total enjoyment over the years. There is NO one that knows how to cast a film better than the two of them, NO one. The below video, which I think you will find interesting, was taken off the website of Playlist (marvelous site!)…

Here’s one movie made by the Coen Brothers that most of you have NEVER seen, but should…

“There’s nothing more foolish than a man chasing his hat.”


As any one who reads this blog knows, I have NOTHING but total contempt for Donald John Trump (DJT). Complete disdain!

He is, as he has been, and will be in the foreseeable future, a ‘Destroyer of ALL Worlds.’ The “only” thing he has EVER made great has been the Trump brand. In questionable fashion, and manner! And, I’m quick to add on the backs of thousands of less fortunate souls than his own (he doesn’t have a soul, nor could he give you the defining meaning).

Over the past three months, the New York Times has done some continuous background reporting on Trump; his holdings in Manhattan; his less than reputable real estate dealings in general including those in New York City, Atlantic City, Las Vegas, Florida, and on both the west and east coasts of Scotland. He can NOT claim to have left any of these “negotiations” in a favorable manner (never taking the high road!).

Trump, personally, almost single-handedly, ended the brief tenure of the United States Football League (USFL), in the Eighties, as the ignorant, NOT surprisingly, arrogant owner of the New Jersey Generals by inflating salaries (where there was NO balance sheet to justify it), and challenging the establishment, the National Football League (NFL), by playing games in the fall as direct competition. He simply had little regard for his fellow owners, played off one owner with another, making tons of false promises to fellow partners, stadium workers, coaches, players, and dozens of beer distributors. Leaving trails of unpaid bills!

His long personal relationships with women, and comments about them, is something that I’m shocked has NOT gotten closer scrutiny by BOTH the press and feminist activists. However, a couple of hours before last night’s GOP debate in Houston, BuzzFeed News issued this report (BE warned, it is NOT for tender eyes or hears; it’s in-the-mud vulgar!).

The sad element to ALL of the above, millions of Americans have already purchased the snake oil. Decency does NOT matter! Childish mannerisms do NOT matter! Maturity, on any level, does NOT matter! Display of class does NOT matter! Obnoxious, boorish and belittling behavior is to be praised! Cogent thought is NOT relative to false prophecies!  He will ‘Make America Great Again.’ Trust me, NO he won’t!

The genius of Donald John Trump can NOT be denied, he has been lying in the weeds waiting for this moment. NO one took him serious, going as far back as the mid-’90s. He was a guest on nightly talk shows; a regular on numerous gutter-style celebrity roasts; then, developed his own show (“You’re fired” became a branded trademark!); and, kept himself viable and visible with politicians of ALL stripes, and ilk – Democrat (mostly!) and Republican. Donald John Trump knew, in his gut, that America was becoming a minute-by-minute, 24 / 7 / 365 “reality show.” I’m being deadly sincere when I am saying these things, Trump saw the collapse of respect within the citizens of the country, and he pounced.

Trump’s timing was impeccable! Politicians at every level – from the local city council to federal officials / politicians – had tuned their backs on the cries of a depressed, worried and concerned nation over crucial issues close to every person’s life: homeland security; multiple wars; the 1%ers/banks/Wall Street getting a pass for what they were allowed to get away with from 2007-9 while destroying the economy; the Great Recession (still having its full effect on millions!); lost wages; NO retraining of workers; healthcare malfeasance; national & personal debt reaching unheard of numbers; student debt choking a generation; manufacturing leaving America; NO control over H-1B visas allowing for foreign workers to take American jobs; rampant poverty; infrastructure throughout the country at dangerous levels; complete lack of immigration control; etc., etc., etc.

Seems like the perfect entrance point for one DJT, don’t you think?

Throughout the course of last night’s post-debate analysis, and again this morning, the proverbial talking heads said that although Senators Rubio and Cruz came after Trump, almost to a person they felt that it was too little – too late to derail Trump. The feeling was, why had every one waited, so long, to tug on Superman’s cape? The collective sentiment by these self-proclaimed experts: DJT will win at least 10 of the states in play this coming Super Tuesday, March 1st.

NARCISSISM wins going away…

Let me make it easy for every one, King Alaric and the Visigoths are within a day’s march of reaching the gates…


The former president of Mexico, Vicente Fox, in an interview today with Univision’s Jorge Ramos, doesn’t seem to like THE WEAVE…

It NEVER surprises me how well the F-word translates / sounds like in any language on the face of Planet Earth.

Bien hecho, Foxie!

This situation didn’t just start today…

Those cigars aren’t from Rodeo Drive!