Very few people have any difficulty at all in defining what a tsunami is. And, we have Hollywood, for the most part, to thank for that.

The reason that I can make that statement is because of the number of, supposedly, educated people and associates that I, along with my wife, were with yesterday, from 7:30 am until 4:00 in the afternoon (way too long for this old lobsterman these days, but nonetheless).

It was an academic setting, with four guest lecturers, accompanied with the proverbial Q & A after each session. You know the kind that I’m referring to…rambling questions; faux disagreeing points with NO substantive backup as to “why;”bringing up books and articles that one has really read, but saw an acknowledgment about by someone else; and, on and on.

But, the main events, for me at least, which always brings on recurring acid reflux issues for my wife, are my prodding about the main matters / concerns with our current civilization, and humanity’s way-of-life, in these circumstances, 2016. For me, these are now the reasons I get out of bed in the mornings, usually between 4:30-5:30 on most days. I love teasing, being abrasively sarcastic, questioning for specifics when I do NOT understand the point some one is trying to make to / with me (my personal favorite!), or, asking why people, or a person, did NOT find humor in something I may have said, or remarked on.

Have you ever noticed, people do NOT seem to enjoy laughter any more? Sad, there’s absolutely NOTHING better for one’s health than watching repeated episodes of Seinfeld, or, Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, or, listening to Shecky Green tell a story / joke, or, watching / listening to Jonathan Winters on YouTube, or, seeing any movie that Melissa McCarthy is in, or, listening / watching any press conference(s) having to do with our president, The Weave, and / or Grandma Hillary (sorry, I had to get these daggers in this morning).

But, I digress. Back to our “academic conversations” between lectures yesterday. Oh, by the way, allow me to pass on a personal used quirk that I love employing when having conversations with people that do NOT have a f*&king clue about what they are, desperately, trying to discuss (?) with me. Depending on the condiments, and the time of the session, I almost always stuff my mouth with the likes of crumb cake, biscuits, or, muffins in the morning sessions, as I pretend to listen to some dribble (it’s a marvelous distraction when one is attempting a quasi-opinion). Most afternoon sessions, for me, tend to be a bit more difficult, with the likes of fruit, celery sticks, cheeses, olives (tough!), and, crackers. Remember, large gulps of iced tea are extremely effective, and, blatantly rude as well.

All of my conversation, yesterday, centered on tomorrow’s Iowa Caucuses. Or, as I referred to them as the First Ripple to our impending 2016 political Tsunami…the November elections. I suspect there will be a lot of 30, 40, 50 foot waves…and, without any computer generated images (CGI), aunts and uncles.

NOT at all surprising, eleven of the sixteen people that we were sitting / talking with – most of the day – did NOT even realize that Monday, tomorrow, the 1st of February was, in fact, the day. The official kickoff that will lead to the election of our 45th president.

Let me briefly try to put this type of folly into some sort of context.

Iowa, since 1972, has been the country’s initial presidential contest. NOT something that was started yesterday, but has been on America’s political election calendar for 44 damn years!

One of the comments that almost brought me to my knees, from this erudite group we were suffering with / through for close to nine hours, yesterday, was, “oh, I’m so sick of hearing about ethanol, ethanol, ethanol…I just stopped paying any attention to the rest of it.” This comment from the wife of a gentleman who has / is / will be deep in to petroleum futures, forever. The Prairie has loads of them. As I looked at him while she was in the midst of her diatribe, he appeared to be choking on a mouthful of olives (as I said earlier, they can be difficult, unless one has some practice with them, during such occasions).

Look, I could go on forever with such remarks. But, we’ve got more than ten months ahead of us, until we ALL, hopefully, go in to a voting booth, and pull the lever (one of the great moments for me personally every two-four years!). I’ll have tons more stories to post, trust me.

Iowa. By NO means, is this wonderful state a bellweather of our country. Two glaring examples of that fact are these two tidbits of information:

  • It is the fourth oldest-state in America;
  • Iowa is, also, one of the whitest populated states in the union.

But, damn it, shouldn’t we ALL recognize that the BIG Tsunami starts for real tomorrow…? For every one of the 325 million citizens, and for every one of the 16 million undocumented human beings within our borders.

I, honestly, do NOT think I’m asking too much.


Grandma Hillary Clinton has many secrets. TOP SECRETS! The kind that ‘good grandmothers’ should tell the truth about. Grandmothers should NEVER speak WITH a fork tongue.

But, as we all know, for the better part of forty years, since she was a congressional counsel during the Watergate Committee hearings, Hillary Clinton has found the truth to be a very elusive partner.

Truth and the adherence to Federal regulations, and the law itself, has NEVER applied to Grandma Hillary, or Grandpa Willie! They’ve march to a different drummer, and tune. And, trust me, it’s NOT to God Bless America.

Well, late this afternoon it appears we may be narrowing the light of truth into a clearer focus then it has been in years with, and on, America’s most visible grandparent.

With the heat in the political kitchen at almost unbearable levels, the State Department said that 22 emails sent through Grandma Hillary’s “private server” had so much classified information, as part of its content, that it could NOT be released into the public domain.

Put another way, this is the first time that the Obama Administration has admitted, and confirmed, that there was TOP SECRET information flowing through Grandma H’s personal email account.

You’re a very, very bad girl, Grandma! I hope you’re ashamed of yourself…Go to your room, there’ll be NO supper for you tonight. And, let me have your cell phones, Kindle Fire and the remote control to your flat screen. Uncle Sam is very upset at you, and your behavior.

There is also an additional 18 emails of communication between the Grandma Hillary, and the president (Obama, NOT Slick Willie) that will also be withheld, preserving presidential privilege. Uh, oh…

The Inspector General of the country’s intelligence agencies, I. Charles McCullough III, reported that many of these emails contained such classified information within them that he said they warranted being designated as “top secret / S. A. P” level.

What that means is those specific emails have the specific access programs designation indicating that those emails are among the nation’s most closely guarded secrets.

Just let that tidbit of information resonate through the thought of these grandmother becoming our 45th president of these United States States. That level of contemplation is one that I, for one, need little time to consider.

Day-old bread, Flint water and 45 days in solitary confinement. Does any one know if Abu Graib might be available for Grandma H?



The video that you are about to see has thrown me into the early stages of a very deep depression…

This was forwarded on to me by two of my “pals” from Vermont. A most deliberate act of rubbing salt into an open wound!

Purportedly, this nine-year old urchin is the daughter of a family living in Maine (?). I am utterly embarrassed to have to disclose this dribble to you.

Fraud! Child actor from New York City is my guess. I’ve NEVER liked the name Ava. Judge for yourselves.

If this charade is proven to be true, I may well remain living on the Prairie, and NEVER – ever – return to the land of my forefathers.

Altogether now, please join in with me…

Thank you, Dr. Higley!


“Skipper” Trump would do well to watch the below video of FDR.

Donnie Boy, please pay close attention to how best to deal with the so-called ‘slings and arrows” of presidential politics, and campaigning.

Notice, Mr. Trump, there is NO vitriol. NO acting like a cry baby. NO mean spirit. NO sense of acting “the bully.”

Just good old American sarcasm, and penetrating humor, at the expense of his evil enemies.

Put another way, grace and joy under pressure. Political etiquette, with the flare for putting a happy face on things that all too other may be tough to deal with.

The Weave, it so happens, has NEVER learn this lesson. Or, like ALL things – which bring discomfort to the very existence of his life – he abuses or ignores such matter.

I’m, certainly NOT of the persuasion of an FDR, but, I admire and deeply respect how he conducted / presented his image while serving this country to our citizens, and the rest of Planet Earth.

I fear that will NOT be such with The Donald…



Hold your nose, and just watch this…

America, this is where we are, four days from the Iowa Caucuses.

The history of our country is being made as I post this morning regarding these two gigantic buffoons…O’Reilly (remember, Mr. Inside Edition?) and Skipper (NO one is being fair with me, Billy).

Milk shakes have replaced journalism…

Petulance has replaced class, maturity, dignity, commitment to the American voting public, and the representation of a proper image.

How can we even consider such a moronic bully as The Weave for the presidency? As I have repeatedly said, since the 16th of June, of last year, the varnished mystique of Skipper is beyond any level of cogent thought, or didactic reasoning, for this old lobsterman.

I had two separate phone calls last night from fellow Marine Corps officers that served with me in Vietnam, regarding Trump. Both completely felt, as I do, that Trump backing out off tonight’s debate on Fox at 9:00 ET has been planned – in the works – for well-over a month. For pure, and free, “air time” on the networks. Skipper has to be front and center, NO matter the circumstance or situation. Going into a Dean Smith / North Carolina “four-corner” stall, if you will. Keeping the “ball of serious questions” away from the press, and his critics.

What is even more repulsive, for the three of us, is that he is using veterans as a ploy with his separate rally at Drake University during the same time that the debate will be taking place. And, every one but Fox, will give him ‘free coverage!’ during his bogus rally.

Have your smelling salt with you, at ALL times, tonight…

He doesn’t give a damn, other than fraudulent words, about the state / care of veterans, unless there is a way that benefits Skipper.

Don’t kid yourself about this charlatan for a second!


Ever since I was about ten, I have loved “paragraph fillers.” You may ask, what does that term mean? Any one under the age of forty-five does NOT have a clue, because of personal computers; the internet; and, 24-hour news cycles.

The tablet, the latest cell phone and the likes of a Galaxy 6 (just to name one) have all but eliminated them.

Paragraph fillers are what the printed press / media still use to take up space on individual copy sheets / pages of their respective newspapers and, in some cases, even still today, on their online news sites. It can be a condensed story-line, or a local story, or a reference to an upcoming bigger story.

Years ago, paragraph fillers caught my eye initially on the sports section of the paper. Why? Because it carried player injuries; player transactions (who had been traded, from one team to another; more prevalent during the baseball seasons); and, a team’s schedule of games for the next seven days. I couldn’t get enough of looking at these briefs of magical information (it was like trading baseball cards; you had to stay on top of who was rising and who was being demoted – NOT much difference from the opening bell at the NYSE).

Well, I saw a very interesting one this morning, after consuming more scrambled eggs then I should, along with tons of Canadian bacon (which I adore; The Breakfast of Champions!!)), that I wanted to pass on to you.

It’s called The Opportunity Index. It is an annual composite of measure, within each state and its individual counties, of sixteen factors indicating economic, educational and civic factors reflecting the expansion and / or restriction of ‘upward mobility.’ The Index ranks ALL fifty states, plus the District of Columbia. It was developed by the Opportunity Nation and Measure of America . I know, I’ve NEVER heard of them either…thus, the wonder of paragraph fillers.

Opportunity Nation is a bipartisan, national coalition of 350 businesses, non-profits, civic leaders, and educational institutions advocating public / private policy and ideas, toward enhancing collective suggestions / recommendations for the purpose of the expansion of economic mobility – within each state proper.

Measure of America measures fact-based standards on current health, education and living standards.

To sum up, here are the top ten states, in rankings for 2015, top and bottom:

  • TOP 10 – 1) Vermont; 2) Massachusetts; 3) Connecticut; 4) North Dakota; 5) New Hampshire; 6) New Jersey; 7) Nebraska; 8) Iowa; 9) Maryland; and, 10) Virginia.
  • Bottom 10 – 42) South Carolina; 43) West Virginia; 44) Arizona; 45) Arkansas; 46) Alabama; 47) Georgia; 48) Louisiana; 49) Mississippi; 50) Nevada; and, 51) New Mexico.

For further methodology, and detail, go to

Oh, by the way, Maine was ranked 16th…



When I was growing up, from the ages of 6 to 14, I had a white and brown English Springer Spaniel. I loved him! His name was Skipper. NO one had a better dog, ever, in the course of human history. What a pal…

Now, there’s a new Skipper in my life. But, trust me, there’s a world of difference. This Skipper is NOT a pal! This is a bad Skipper. Publicly, he’s known to all of us as Donald John Trump. AKA, The Weave. Aka, The Donald. Aka, The Trumpster. Aka, Donnie Boy. D.T.

This Skipper needs a muzzle!

He is, as of this moment, the leading Republican candidate to be nominated by the GOP as its nominee in the 2016 presidential election race.

Possibly, our 45th president of the United States of the America? Please, God, do NOT allow such a catastrophe to befall upon the citizens of this country! Please!!! I’ll say the rosary and a personal novena for a year, daily, if such a fate is NOT allowed to occur, when we ALL cast our votes in November.

The reason I’ve decided to issue this new tag of “Skipper” on to The Weave (which I prefer, honestly) is because of what this fraud (Trump) decided to do as regards this Thursday night’s debate on Fox. He’s ‘skipping’ it! Why? Megyn Kelly.

You remember Ms. Kelley…

The Weave is vile, vulgar, narcissistic, chauvinistic, mean, and rude. Especially, to women, during his long and nefarious past with the gender. It is beyond any reasonable comprehension, on my part, on WHY any womens’ group would ever consider voting for this childish, ill-mannered, boorish piece of bodily waste. He is a cretin from a pre-historic age, ladies.

Back to Thursday night, unless he can dictate terms, he won’t play in the sand box, with the other kids.

Just imagine this clown residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and deciding that he can’t get alone with this world leader, and /or that world leader, so he’s just going cancel an upcoming meeting with Putin, or Cameron, or Hollande, or Xi Jinping.

He NOT a leader. Skipper is a 21st century despot!

Donnie Boy is a very insecure species!


This afternoon Washington and Chicago news media outlets / sources are reporting that the F.B.I. is about to issue an indictment against Grandma Hillary Clinton for the misuse of her private server.

Their investigation has centered around Grandma H’s use of her personal server to conduct confidential State Department business, while serving as our Secretary of State during the first term of Obama’s presidency. If these allegations are proven to be true, it would be a “direct violation” of Federal law.

Newsmax is currently reporting, via an interview with former House Speaker, Tom Delay (and, very bad boy himself, remember?) that if the findings / recommendations by the F.B.I. investigators are NOT followed through on by the current U.S. Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, they, the investigators, will ‘blow the whistle,’ and go public with their findings.

Remember this past summer? Here are some of the voiced concerns at the time…

It is important to point out that Barry Obama, our 44th president, could instruct the Justice Department to drop this indictment. Oh, boy!

Make sure you fasten your seat-belts…


I am NOT a physician, and, I didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, but…

Pressure, bending the truth, less than perfect health for her age, and, an historical thyroid issue for several years – repeatedly – when pressure seems to be tapping Grandma H on her shoulder.

Grandma Hillary doesn’t look like she is close to being in the picture of good health these days, by the way.

Here let me refresh your memories…

Most recently –


And, who can forget…

Grandma has it down pretty well, what do you think?

Back in ’08, this one was especially timely…

Let’s hope it’s NOT anything contagious, aunts and uncles. Or, for that matter, serious. But, I do want her to release some further clarification as regards her thyroid problems.

Does any one have a Hall’s?


One week ago, today, on the 19th of January, one of my favorite American historians, Forrest McDonald, passed away at the age of 89.

Sadly, I have been remiss in writing about the great man in the course of the last seven days.

Over the last 35-40 years, Dr. McDonald was recognized as one of the most influential constitutional and presidential scholars in America.

His 1994 book, The American Presidency: An Intellectual History, is acknowledged as one of the best historical studies on the American presidency ever written. It is a must for every household in this country, where the need for “correct interpretation” of the men who have held the highest office in the land is so much in need today; or, where there is a student who wants to understand how the caliber of the man, holding the office, has been erratic, at best, since the days of George Washington, while serving their term in office.

Dr. McDonald was an unapologetic conservative. A country gentleman who lived about 12 miles from the main campus of the University of Alabama, in Tuscaloosa. And, liked it that way!

The main thesis of McDonald’s historical belief of our Founding Fathers could be categorized in the most simplest of terms – their concern over proper constraint and dispersing political power. Things have certainly fallen off the rails!

The government is in our lives today – morning, noon and night. Undeniably!

McDonald had a great quote that summed up perfectly his disdain for how intrusive our government has become: “I’d move the winter capital to North Dakota and outlaw air-conditioning in the District of Columbia.”

During the 1980s, while we were living in Atlanta, I had the opportunity to hear Dr. McDonald lecture twice, once at the University of Alabama during an open lecture on George Washington; and, a second time at the Atlanta History Center on Ronald Reagan and the Iran-Contra fiasco. Both occasions were memorable, and did NOT disappoint in any manner.

I have included a C-Span interview with Brian Lamb, on Booknotes that McDonald gave discussing his book, The American Presidency, which you’ll really enjoy –