I wanted to just continue on a few matters, from my earlier post this morning, if The Weave should gain election to spend a four year term housed at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

What follows did NOT require brain surgery, just obvious and timely thought:

  • With four of the nine Supreme Court justices becoming eighty-years old when the new president is inaugurated, our 45th president will responsible to re-set the Court for the better part of a generation, at least;
  • With the Republican party already having a questionably reputation with minorities, especially with the Hispanic community, I don’t think there is any doubt that Trump would bring about the loss of this largest group on the GOP for 10-25 years (without any doubt);
  • By the numerous outlandish “remarks” over the last six months by Trump, it is reasonable to feel that the Senate (for sure!), and, possibly, even the House could be lost in next election. NO serious republican has condone any of Trump’s diatribe since this past summer, but it will NOT matter with the voting public.

Donald John Trump is…well, everyone knows, by now, exactly what my feelings are toward this imbecile.


Again and again, I continue to be amazed. Totally!

What does country see in this clown. He is so transparent to the negative side…

The above two clips, one after the CNN Debate with Chris Matthews, and the second from a moment during the debate, for me, crystallize why The Weave continues to demonstrate “why” he can NOT be the Republican nominee, let alone, Heaven forbid, our 45th president.

Reasons are pure as there are 24-hours in a day.

Thin-skinned. Ill-mannered. Can NOT complete a thought in one cognitive sentence. Deflect, rather than answer. Quick to temper. Vindictive. Wears his emotions on his sleeve. Effete.

Can NOT see him being a listener during a critical time, prior to making a decision to the benefit and protection of this country.

The Donald would have less rapport with the military than Barrie does. Which, the followers of this blog, know is below the Mendoza line.

This country is headed for a train wreck of catastrophic proportions.


The beat goes on about The Weave, this time pertaining to his health.

I wonder if this medical report (?), dated December 4, 2015, will be raised by any of Donnie’s follow GOP candidates in tonight’s presidential debate in Las Vegas.

Dr. Harold Bornstein must have had the same English teachers that The Donald had in elementary school.

Watch Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, take the good doctor’s report apart on this 4 minute video.

Obviously, we know they both use the same hair stylist.


A STAR WARS “race baiter”

Melisa Harris-Perry.

PhD, Duke University, in Political Science.

MSNBC political commentator. (How does the FCC allow this network to operate?; it employs a carnival of fools)

Moron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (My kind description of MH-P)

What I’m about to show you are a series of videos, from the Star War crazies, responding to comments by Harris-Perry over the weekend regarding the “racism” – her opinion –  of the Star Wars enterprise.

Spoiler alert: Darth Vader is taken to task!

The first video you’ll see is of Harris-Perry, which set everything off, and is about to bring the Internet down any moment. Hope this post will survive.

Here comes the some of the defenders of the faith, with way tooooo much time of their hands. Some of their comments are X-Rated. But, when you’ve slept on concrete sidewalks for the last month to get one’s tickets to see the first showings, and eaten just cold pizza, quarterpounders with cheese and beef jerky; and, swallowed down 24 cans of Red Bull/daily, this is what one gets to watch and listen to.

In the spirit of George Bailey and Bedford Falls, enjoy.

Here’s another gigantic moron, Alex Jones.

I’m calling for a complete investigation of Duke University, and more specifically, their doctoral program in political science.

How does this individual – Melissa Harris-Perry – hold down a job, career of any kind, with the slightest modicum of respect and dignity?

By the way, Melissa, pay your back taxes…


Thank you, General Robert B. Abrams.

General Abrams is the current commander of the Army Forces Command at Fort Bragg, N.C. Yesterday, Abrams ordered that “deserter” Bowe Bergdahl will stand trial, and face a general military court-martial for desertion, and endangerment of his fellow troops when this vermin walked off his post in Afghanistan, and was captured by the Taliban back in 2009.

Remember, upon his release by the Taliban in 2014, our 44th president conducted a Rose Garden ceremony to announce that he had exchanged little Bowe for five high-level detainees held at Guantanamo Bay (GITMO), Cuba. Horrible trade, Barry! This president has NEVER – to this day – understood the ‘optics of the office.’

Nor our military…

With General Abram’s decision to bring this piece of turd to a full military hearing, he negated the earlier decision by some nameless weak-kneed lieutenant colonel who had, despicably, recommended that Bergdahl NOT face either jail time nor punitive discharge, and be sent to a “special court-martial (NEVER defined!), with the likelihood of serving less than a year in confinement. Excuse me?

For someone, male or female, who has NEVER served in the military, it is impossible to understand what an individual, like Bergdahl, means to a person in the service, or who has served in the military, NO matter what branch.

There is simply NO – absolutely NONE – wiggle room for “desertion and leaving one’s post.” Z-E-R-O!

Now, with Bergdahl facing a general court-martial, there is the distinct possibility of this rodent getting a life sentence for the serious charge of malicious misbehavior in the face of the enemy.

No date for the trial was announced, other than it being held at Fort Bragg.

I would NOT mind a Eddie Slovik redux!

“War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over.”   — William Tecumseh Sherman


This afternoon, a fourth Major League Baseball Commissioner, Rob Manfred, made it clear – AGAIN – that Pete Rose is STILL banned from baseball due to Rose’s gambling habits (habitual!!!) of betting on the game.

A direct violation of Rule 21 d. This rule is mounted in every single clubhouse throughout baseball, and was when Rose was a player, and while he was a manager.

He was a sleaze as a player; was as a manger; and, is as a man today.

The definition of a fraud, and / or denier, and / or inability to tell the “truth” is Pete Rose.

Any one who has a figment of doubt, as regards Rose,  should take the time to read The Dowd Report.

Thank you, Mr. Commissioner.



My wife and I saw “In the Heart of the Sea” this past Friday. We were both very much looking forward to its release.

The movie is a Ron Howard production, adapted to the screen from Nathaniel Philbrick’s awarding winning historical book of the same name.

In a sentence, buy Philbrick’s book, NOT a ticket to see this film.

Being a former lobsterman, and raised on the ocean, surrounded by men of the sea, I admit to being overly critical having to do with anything, and everything, pertaining to this special environment, community and human life.

It’s different. Different in a way that is NOT always easy to describe, or understand, unless you’ve done it yourself. Day after day. In all kinds of weather, especially in Maine. 3:30 am to 7:30 pm. Or, months at sea, even today.

The movie, based on Philbrick’s book is about the true incident of a 1821 whaling ship, from Nantaucket, called the Essex who pisses off a great White whale, and pays for it. NO purgatory, just straight to hell…

If this all sounds familiar to you, you’d be right. It is the basis for Herman Melville’s Moby Dick (1851). The book that you and I NEVER completely read in prep school, or college, after the first eight-five pages. It was a Cliff Notes ‘special.’ Remember, “Call me Ishmael?”

Thor himself, Chris Hemsworth, plays Owen Chase, the first mate of the Essex, who has been lied to about “having his own ship,” and once again is consigned to having to accept taking on his role to a ‘man of privilege, with serious family connections.’ Hemsworth’s agent would do well to keep in mind that his client is far better served being in Marvel comic costumes than those of a serious seaman. If you get my drift! (sorry, I simply could NOT avoid the pun!)

The best elements of the film are the flash-back scenes with none-other than Herman Melville himself (played by the superb Ben Whishaw; one the best young character actors around today; who also plays Q now in the Bond movies), and one of the few survivors of the Essex, a Mr. Nickerson (another strong performance by the great Brendan Gleeson), as they talk about the when, where, how, why, and what really happened, twenty-nine years after the fact. That two-man performance would have been a far better film!

The total script of the movie was embarrassing to listen to; NEVER the true spoken words of the sea, by men who lived on it, and in it.

The survival aspects were additionally awful; even to a child of eight, these scenes would have seemed unbelievable. Howard and his production crew should have spent some real time on the water, and have talked with historians of that time period, because they were / are all wet with many, many serious elements of this story. (I know, another pun; once on a roll, I can’t help myself)

Also, the computer generated images (CGI) and special effects were a big disappointment as well. Very rudimentary.

The last thing I’ll say is, who was the clown that thought it would be a good idea to have the characters talk – off and on – like they were from South Boston? Hollywood can’t help themselves when it comes to the different dialects of New Englanders.Which they NEVER get right…

Opie, you should have read your history books back in Mayberry!


The following video, which took place over 24 years ago, is what comedy genius is all about.

Carson, Winters and Williams provided just tons of laughs for me. Year after year after year.

All too fleeting…

Winters had a very special spot in my heart. A former Marine, he was one of the few celebrities to visit fellow Marines in the bush during the Vietnam War. I had the joy to meet him in 1968.



All one needs to know about The Weave follows…

Our American symbol is desperately trying to tell us ALL something about this glorified toad.

Donnie is more concerned about his braids than anything else…Listen to all Trump’s panty-wastes in the room.

Reports are that he “stained himself” soooo badly after this shot that they had to fumigate all levels of the Trump Tower for days. At TIME’s expense, I’m sure.

Donnie, you’re going down.

By the way, stop walking by the salad bar…