I was having a conversation with a neighbor yesterday afternoon about two of my three favorite subjects: RELIGION & POLITICS. Two subjects that my generation have been told, since birth, to never bring up in polite company. They’re considered the third rail!

NOT by me.

Over the course of seventy-three years, I’ve NEVER, EVER backed off these two beauties.

Why? It’s been my perception that you cut through all the “social red tape” when you engage in these two subjects. You get to know people a hellva lot quicker this way.

That’s become the problem with this country over the last twenty-five plus years. Political correctness!!! It’s the acid on paper that has destroyed much of the fabric of America today. The quality of the soul of a nation.

We, in the good old US of A, want the soft sofa, with the remote control to watch Duck Dynasty and Keeping Up with the Kardashians, rather than the straight back chair of reality.

Thus, back to my engaging (?) conversation yesterday. My neighbor was extolling the virtues of The Weave (Trump). Saying that he was “thankful” to finally have a politician (NOT!) like Donnie to cast his vote for next year as our leader (?!?!).

After about seven-eight minutes of my asking what specifically he could tell me about Trump’s plan for taking on the Islamic State; deporting 15 million (undocumented) people from the country; lowering our country’s mounting debt (closing in on $19 trillion by the hour!); and, engaging with Vladimir Putin for the foreseeable future, this neighbor, with stooped shoulders, said he had to pick up some celery and ice cream for Thanksgiving.

This individual is someone with a very good education, and a solid financial career. NOT a dummy…

But, like 32% of the polled people by Real Clear Politics, he’s been caught up in all the nonsensical chatter by The Trumpster. Pure bluster! Without foundation!

This is a man (?) without a shred of being in touch with reality. NONE! It has been mystifying to me why he hasn’t been challenged by his fellow Republicans; the media; and, reporters (serious ones!). I’ve NEVER been a subscriber to Reagan’s commandment that Republicans never criticize other Republicans. It’s called competitive sports, Ronnie!

The Weave is a vile individual. He is NOT a man for our time!

Simply, not in touch with reality…

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