If things couldn’t get any worse than they have been over the last month…well, they have.

With the West already in a “state of emergency” due to the increased terrorist attacks by the Islamic State, e.g. Sinai Peninsula, Beirut, Paris, and Brussels. And, with numerous heads of state – worldwide – having security meetings, all over Planet Earth, in an attempt to put together a coordinated, and cogent, plan(s) to destroy this evil, another international incident occur today.

It is now being reported that Turkey has fired on, and shot down, a Russian plane, on or across the Syrian / Turkey border this morning (Turkish time). There were several immediate statements by both countries, contradicting one another as regards what / how / why events transpired to this point.

With so much confusion over who is fighting whom; who is on what side; free combat air space; safe zones; rules of engagement; and, coordination of a specific battle plan, with a Five Paragraph Order as to what is the objective, this tragedy was bound to happen.

Frankly, I’m surprised it hasn’t happened before today. And, there will be much more ‘collateral damage.’ Much More!

We are in midst of a worldwide conflict.

Known as W-A-R.

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