I was the “only” Irish Catholic in America who sleep like a log last night.

Brian Kelly, you still do NOT know how to manage your timeouts, and the clock. Cincinnati would be happy if you went back; in fact, Brian, so would a 1/3 of South Bend as well.

Stanford beats Notre Dame, 38-36…with the clock on zero.

Heartbreak for many…joy for the few! Moi!!!

Right now, there is NO better voice doing the play-by-play of college football than Gus Johnson. He is the best in the business; NO one is close to being on his level.

Watch, and enjoy.


“I know a lot more than I knew.”

This was a quote from Dr. Ben Carson, in response to a question about his lack of foreign policy experience (also known as a deficit) on the PBS News Hour recently. “A year from now, I will know a lot more than I know now,” concluded Carson.

NOT good enough, with all due respect, Doctor Ben. A year from now, the 2016 Presidential election will be over. And, I don’t think I’m going out on a limb to say, Carson will NOT be making arrangements for additional Secret Service protection, or the color of choice for the drapes in the Oval Office.

You’ll remember, in one of the GOP debates, Carson made the statement that the Chinese were directly involved in the Syrian civil war. Embarrassing comment! His advisers had to walk his faux pas back immediately at the end of the debate. But, such remarks have staying power, unless you’re The Weave.

Carson arrived in Jordan late this afternoon (Jordanian time) for a personal two day tour of two of the Syrian refugee camps within the country. He is scheduled to have secret meetings with state officials, refugee agency authorities, and the International Red Cross personnel.

The good doctor has had an amazing life story: rags-to-riches to distinguished professional accomplishments (Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins University); personal charm; eloquence as a speaker of note; married to the same woman for over forty years; father of three sons; and, respected human being.

But, NOT qualified to be our next president. Ironically, he now knows it!

Biography and character do NOT matter when one is looking to relocate to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Sadly. Preparation, however, does! Which are just another group of mystifying reasons to try and wrap one’s mind around pertaining to little Donnie Trump; he has / is / will be displaying NONE of the admirable qualities of Dr. Benjamin Solomon Carson. Ever!!!

In closing, politics isn’t brain surgery, Doctor Carson.


Today is another example of self-induced “loss of humanity!”

BLACK FRIDAY. Which in more and more retail organizations actually means it starts on Thanksgiving Day.

All pretense of human decency is literally thrown to the curb, or the floor, or common areas inside a mall. LITERALLY.

Abandoned animals would act better…

Respect for others is a joke…

All ages; all colors; and, all shapes and sizes (mostly beyond obese!)…

From Bakersfield, California to Eastport, Maine. From International Falls, Minnesota to Brownsville, Texas. It did NOT matter.

Chaos! Violence! Bodily injuries! And, multiple arrests and confrontations with the Law!

It’s NOT difficult to understand why NO logical, mature, intelligent person with a modicum of common sense would even consider doing their Holiday shopping, anywhere other than online.

Sadly, the days with Breakfast with Santa are long gone!

And, we’re all worried about Syrian refugees, and the Islamic State?

The Devil has already won, aunts and uncles…

Enjoy the Holidays.


I was having a conversation with a neighbor yesterday afternoon about two of my three favorite subjects: RELIGION & POLITICS. Two subjects that my generation have been told, since birth, to never bring up in polite company. They’re considered the third rail!

NOT by me.

Over the course of seventy-three years, I’ve NEVER, EVER backed off these two beauties.

Why? It’s been my perception that you cut through all the “social red tape” when you engage in these two subjects. You get to know people a hellva lot quicker this way.

That’s become the problem with this country over the last twenty-five plus years. Political correctness!!! It’s the acid on paper that has destroyed much of the fabric of America today. The quality of the soul of a nation.

We, in the good old US of A, want the soft sofa, with the remote control to watch Duck Dynasty and Keeping Up with the Kardashians, rather than the straight back chair of reality.

Thus, back to my engaging (?) conversation yesterday. My neighbor was extolling the virtues of The Weave (Trump). Saying that he was “thankful” to finally have a politician (NOT!) like Donnie to cast his vote for next year as our leader (?!?!).

After about seven-eight minutes of my asking what specifically he could tell me about Trump’s plan for taking on the Islamic State; deporting 15 million (undocumented) people from the country; lowering our country’s mounting debt (closing in on $19 trillion by the hour!); and, engaging with Vladimir Putin for the foreseeable future, this neighbor, with stooped shoulders, said he had to pick up some celery and ice cream for Thanksgiving.

This individual is someone with a very good education, and a solid financial career. NOT a dummy…

But, like 32% of the polled people by Real Clear Politics, he’s been caught up in all the nonsensical chatter by The Trumpster. Pure bluster! Without foundation!

This is a man (?) without a shred of being in touch with reality. NONE! It has been mystifying to me why he hasn’t been challenged by his fellow Republicans; the media; and, reporters (serious ones!). I’ve NEVER been a subscriber to Reagan’s commandment that Republicans never criticize other Republicans. It’s called competitive sports, Ronnie!

The Weave is a vile individual. He is NOT a man for our time!

Simply, not in touch with reality…


If things couldn’t get any worse than they have been over the last month…well, they have.

With the West already in a “state of emergency” due to the increased terrorist attacks by the Islamic State, e.g. Sinai Peninsula, Beirut, Paris, and Brussels. And, with numerous heads of state – worldwide – having security meetings, all over Planet Earth, in an attempt to put together a coordinated, and cogent, plan(s) to destroy this evil, another international incident occur today.

It is now being reported that Turkey has fired on, and shot down, a Russian plane, on or across the Syrian / Turkey border this morning (Turkish time). There were several immediate statements by both countries, contradicting one another as regards what / how / why events transpired to this point.

With so much confusion over who is fighting whom; who is on what side; free combat air space; safe zones; rules of engagement; and, coordination of a specific battle plan, with a Five Paragraph Order as to what is the objective, this tragedy was bound to happen.

Frankly, I’m surprised it hasn’t happened before today. And, there will be much more ‘collateral damage.’ Much More!

We are in midst of a worldwide conflict.

Known as W-A-R.


In many ways, it doesn’t seem possible that 53 years ago, today, President John F. Kennedy, was shot and assassinated in Dallas, Texas.

Time, in all our lives, moves at curious speeds, it seems all too often.

November 22, 1963.

It was a Friday.

I was a sophomore at Providence College at the time. With ten other young men, I was in our 1:50 second-year German class, awaiting our prof to arrive. The infamous Dr. Lorenzo Gouzhi was late…highly irregular for him.

At 2:03, he walked into class in tears, announcing, “The president has just been shot…” He was visibly in a state of mild shock. Dr. Gouzhi, trying to clear his throat, stammered, “…class is dismissed.”

Bedlam! Instantaneous pandemonium spread across the entire campus in a matter of minutes. Remember, NO tablets, Smartphones, Galaxy6s, iPads, nothing…but, I think you get the picture.

Kennedy’s assassination changed a generation forever…

Here’s how CBS, and Walter Cronkite, reported it at the time.




Alabama Coach Nick Saban, one of my favorites, is inching closer and closer to taking over first place. Of what you ask?

Saban is now part of the trinity of football coaches, since recorded history, that you can count on to give “great press conferences” – not good, but great – and, as I’ve said before in my blog, NO one – absolutely, NO one does the infamous sideline interviews better than Saint Nick.

And, by the way, my trinity of football coaches are guaranteed to give their best when it’s press conference time. My personal Hall of fame: Bill Parcells (now retired); Bill Belichick (head coach of the New England Patriots); and, Saban. They in a class by themselves!

The following video is from this week’s Alabama presser with the media addressing their upcoming game this Saturday against Charleston Southern (a team on paper NOT capable of being competitive with the talent at Alabama; but, as the late great Vince Lombardi was fond of reminding everyone, “Games are NOT played on paper!”).

As you watch it, who amongst us knew Saint Nick was a marriage counselor, as well as a mathematician, in his spare time?

Things do go better with Coke. Roll Tide!



One of the first things that I can recall in studying History (3rd-4th grade) was from Ms. Hanna Scott, an important source of early inspiration for me. Over a period of eighteen months, while in her classes, she would constantly say, “Words have meaning and consequence.”

On a Thursday, one-hundred and fifty-three years ago today that would hold to be true, once again in history. November 19, 1863.

President Abraham Lincoln and his Gettysburg Address.

The Civil War.

Four months before, Cemetery Hill became exactly just that. Over a horrific three days in July, this beautiful 6,000 acres of Pennsylvania farmland became Hell on earth.

Now, with the Soldiers’ National Cemetery being dug, arranged in proper fashion for a national military field memorial, and the administering of all appropriate burial ceremony, our sixteenth president delivered one of the greatest speeches ever in the history of the human race.

Lincoln’s address was personal. In under two minutes, at only 278 words, Lincoln proved “words have meaning and consequence.” In its brevity, Lincoln achieved what very few politicians, even to this day, seemed to be able to: a message.


I’ve just about had it with almost every one when it comes to the blatant shrill from ALL corners of the American political landscape on the critical issue of what / how / why this country should do in the administration of future migrants / refugees to be allowed into our country.

I think I may have come upon a “mature” solution. Every Monday through Friday, I want to recommend setting aside an hour so as to watch, listen, and desperately attempt to comprehend the “wisdom” spewing from the female gender on The View.

I would like to submit into evidence, Exhibit A (bearing in mind, the First Amendment of the United States Constitution) –