It was a Saturday evening, twenty-nine years ago today. Foggy, overcast and chilly.

The place was Pine Point, Maine. I was watching one of the most memorable baseball game – ever played, then and since – with my parents (I had been traveling on business in the Northeast that week, and stayed over to spend that weekend with them).

The entire region of New England could barely breathe, let alone swallow.

Why? It was Game 6 of the 1986 World Series, between the New York Mets and the Boston Red Sox. The old Shea Stadium in Flushing, New York. At this point in the series, the Red Sox had a three games to two lead in this best of seven format. The score was tied, 5-5, in the bottom of the 10th inning. The Mets were batting, with two outs, when the planet fell off its axis.

With that, Bill Buckner had just etched his name, and fame, into Red Sox folklore for forever! The Red Sox first baseman had had – and, did have – a very remarkable career. A lifetime batting average of .289; over 2,700 hits; over 1,200 RBIs; and, a batting tile over his 22-year career. Some have said that if NOT for his “error” on October 25th, Buckner would get serious consideration for the Hall of Fame. His numbers are better than dozens of men already in the Hall.

But, that will NEVER happen! The citizens of New England have, perhaps, the longest, most unforgiving, and, classless sports memories (they made Philadelphia look like first-graders!) ever infused by God into the soul of Man. New England’s faithful would, literally, torch Cooperstown if such an occasion should ever be, even,  entertained.

The folks at ESPN (E:60) did a remarkable job with the following segment on Buckner.

Bill Buckner is, and always will be one of my favorite Red Sox players of all-time. Simply put, he is a quality human being.

After Game 6 was over, neither one of my parents said a word. We all just went to bed. Sick, and heartbroken.

I was almost asleep, when my dad rocked on the door to my bedroom, and peered in, and said one word, “Redemption.”


Could Donnie be slipping in the polls?

For the time being, the answer is “YES.”

One can only hope that it will continue, as we head closer to the Iowa January Caucuses.

Hope can NO longer be a small place in Arkansas!

Over the last couple of days, two major, and highly respectable polls – The Des Moines Register / Bloomberg News, and The Quinnipiac University National Poll – released data supporting Dr. Ben Carson, in Iowa, indicating, in both polls, a spread of 8-10 points over The Weave (placing him, for the moment, in the number 2 slot).

Sitting down with Jake Tapper (CNN) for an interview – to be shown Sunday – here’s a snippet of what this revolting toad (Trump) had to say.

“Iowa Love-fest.”


“No body will be able to do what I do.”

“Make our country great again.”

“I’m going to have to work a little bit harder in Iowa.”

“Ben Carson is very, very weak.”

When will he be challenged on “what / how” his policies will be, and then “what manner” for them to be implemented in Washington, DC, through the Congress?

Let’s forget the T-shirts and caps, and starting lifting the hood of this practicing fraud.

He would be a disaster for America, and all serious minded people, hopefully, know that…hopefully.


More than any other sport, baseball is prone to all kinds of superstitions.

Tons and tons of superstitions, such as:

  • FOR RED SOX FANS (until ’04), CURSE OF the BAMBINO;

Worst than baseball, the Irish are even “more superstitious” about ALL aspects of life, than any other nationality walking the face of the earth. And, heading that list is ME. Here’s just a few of mine: I never put a hat on a bed; I never put shoes of any kind on a bed; I never pick-up a coin (on the street) if the head is NOT showing – face-up; If a meal is supposed to be a certain temperature – hot – and, it isn’t, I will NOT touch it; other than milk, I will NOT drink anything that is supposed to be cold, unless it has ice cubes, etc., etc., etc.

Thus, in a long-winded way, I have NOT discussed the Kansas City Royals – 2015 version – at all this season. I would have jinxed them had I done so. Trust me. You don’t tempt fate! Especially, when one is / has been a long-suffering Boston Red Sox fan.

Now, with the Royals’ win last night over the Toronto Blue Jays giving them the American League Championship for the second year-in-a-row, I can let out a howl.

I will always be a member – card carrying – of Red Sox Nation. Cradle to Grave.

Having said that, there is something about a club (no matter the sport) that is considered a “regional team.” The Boston Red Sox captures that distinction throughout New England. Always has, and always will. Well, the Kansas City Royals fall into that niche as well. Throughout the scope of the wondrous acres of the Prairie, ROYAL BLUE is very much a regional operation. Over the past three years, since they have been extremely competitive, and now the repeat champions, they are the ‘ticket to have.’

The Prairie loves them!

Here’s why.

Cain was Able!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come on, that wasn’t bad, was it?

Starting this coming Tuesday, the 27th, the Royals will be in the World Series – back-to-back years – against the National League Champions, the New York Mets. It’s great for the Prairie.  From the bison to the oil wells to the cattle rancher, and the wheat growers, time will slow down a pinch. Regional teams can / and do amazing things to each respective community. Some of the residual aspects that rub off: increased restaurant business; merchandise / memorabilia goes through the roofs; and, families grow closer together, resulting in quality time with one another, either at the stadium or World Series parties in the home.

I wish I could throw out the first pitch…


In my previous post, I wrote of the current hearings on the 2012 Benghazi Attacks. My comments reflected how they had fallen into a complete “travesty.”

I also mentioned the acrimony between the co-chairs, Trey Gowdy (SC) and Elijah Cummings (MD). A complete lack of leadership throughout the past, and now present hearings. Politicians chasing fool’s gold! Nothing more, and nothing less, for the most part.

In reflecting on the current mess in Washington, DC, this morning, after dropping of my beloved at the library, and, while enjoying a couple of Sausage Biscuits, strawberry jam, and a large Diet Coke at the Golden Arches – breakfast 24 / 7 / 365 – I thought about how many people weren’t even around for the Watergate Hearings, leading to Nixon resigning the presidency in August of 1974. That, and the fact that most people under forty-five couldn’t even name the key politicians involved at that time with these proceedings, in both the House and Senate. And, most, undoubtedly, think Nixon was the drummer for the Gap Band.

I know it – the Watergate Hearings – isn’t on Common Core’s agenda. You know, teaching our youth about the history as it happened in America. What a joke this body of human beings is; they warrant a separate hearing, if any one does. You know their motto: THE HUMAN MIND, it’s a wonderful thing to waste!

NOT that the Benghazi Hearings are in any way comparable in scale, but, at least, the following videos will give some of you, and the entire body of the Common Core operation examples of how DC – our elected officials – can work, and did, some forty plus years ago.

Especially, the co-chairs: Sam Erwin (NC), and Howard Baker (TN). Remarkable, and memorable gentlemen every single day.

And, finally, the man (one of my heroes) with the biggest set of onions in Washington, at the time of Watergate, the late great Ben Bradlee (editor of the Washington Post), and his long-time Washington Post reporter and subsequent award-winning author, Bob Woodard (Woodward, and his co-author, Carl Bernstein changed journalism forever doggedly following the crams of this earth-scattering political catastrophe) .

And, the movie ALL THE PRESIDENT’S MEN stills holds up.


I spent the better part of yesterday glued to C-SPAN watching our country’s favorite political grandmother survive a marathon.

With the exception of a midday commitment, I sat and observed the majority of Hillary Clinton’s testimony before the House Investigation Committee looking into the 2012 Benghazi Attacks, resulting in the tragic deaths of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, and three other Americans.

Over the course of last night, into the early part of this morning, and thanks to C-SPAN’s rebroadcast, I’ve either re-watched or caught up on segments of Grandma H’s testimony that I had missed initially.

Sustained by my love for American politics, NOT the characters in the play, but the play itself. And, I hate to admit, a heavy dose of apple turnovers, and Diet Coke; early this morning, I switched to hot cocoa (scalding hot!); all of which helped my endurance.

As expected, it was a complete and utter travesty. At best, based on yesterday’s performances by the committee, it was also a questionable use of taxpayer’s dollars. A reported $20 million, as of now, has been spent looking into the aforementioned Benghazi Attacks, and subsequent tragedy over the past three years.

Yesterday, the optics (of which I am a big observer of, no pun intended) were the “show.”

The chairman of this committee, Republican Representative Trey Gowdy, of South Carolina, was simply over-matched, as well as being visibly (in a deep sweat and possessing jumpy vocal cords) over-whelmed over the course of the almost eleven hours (Clinton testifying for over eight hours and twenty-five minutes). His reputation as a famous prosecutor in South Carolina did NOT equate to “that” fame transferring well at all yesterday.

Gowdy had NO direct objective. Gowdy allowed partisan bickering to go on – incessantly – throughout most of the hearing (becoming childish at times). Gowdy demonstrated NO professional connection / relationship with the ranking member of the committee, Democrat Representative Elijah Cummings (MD). Gowdy allowed members to constantly go over their allotted time (glaring). Gowdy permitted members to dissolve into extreme partisan supporting statements of Clinton that had zero to do with anything pertaining to the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi. And, finally, Gowdy was simply sophomoric leading up to yesterday’s hearing with his comments to the press, and on social media. Gowdy, to me, was the personification of a “corn-poke in the big city!”

The one and only worthy exchange, of specific substance was what follows (note Grandma H’s body language) with the former two-time Division I wrestling champion, Republican Representative Jim Jordan (OH). This is exactly the line of questioning, and the subsequent feeble responses from Clinton and her people, during the attacks and, the days following the deaths that Mr. Gowdy’s committee should have targeted…unfortunately, that was NOT to be.

American history has some troubling warts.

The optics of Grandma H (note Clinton’s attorney, David Kendall on the right side of the video, and off and on, Texas Democrat Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, a card-carrying sycophant of Grandma H, in the left side of the video).

Please stand, remove your hats, as we all sing our National Anthem.

And, remain standing for God Bless America.


Tomorrow, South Carolina’s favorite son, Representative Trey Gowdy (R), goes under the glare of the lights, and television cameras, heading up the latest House Committee Investigation hearings into the 2012 Benghazi attacks / deaths on Ambassador Christopher Stevens, and three other Americans.

As one might suspect, in the past three plus years, this tragedy has become more and more partisan. Especially, over the last couple of weeks in the lead up to these hearings, thanks to idiotic Representative Kevin McCarthy (CA). Kev, you certainly didn’t do any favors to your colleague, Trey Gowdy and his committee members. Open mouth, switch feet, right, Kevie?!

It, these hearings, not only, now involves the former U.S. Secretary of State; but, it currently has the added drama of the FBI and their investigation into Madam Secretary’s “private server” and whether that personal piece of technology was involved – in any way – with the direct communications of Benghazi attacks while events on the ground were taking place. But, also, what orders were given by whom to whom?; when were they given?; was there ever a “stand-down” order given by the Secretary of State?; was there any immediate request for military assistance from the late Ambassador Stevens with / to any one in DC?; why was there an order to NOT deploy any military assistance given?; and, how high up did that specific order come from?

Now, as the 2016 presidential election starts coming in to view, the Democrat candidate with the highest percentage of favorability, in most, if NOT all reputable national polls, is none other than Representative Gowdy’s key witness in his hearings, Grandma Hillary Clinton.

You all remember Grandma H’s past display of temperament during her initial appearance before these Congressional hearings looking at the Benghazi attacks.

Very presidential, don’t you think?

Even today, the mother of Ambassador Christopher Stevens had these disturbing comments regarding Grandma Hillary Clinton.

One word describes it all: PATHETIC.


I don’t care what any one says – now, or in the future – Joe Biden wanted to run for the presidency, just one more time. It was part of his DNA, and in his “heart and soul.” But, as I have posted before here on my blog, ‘Life doesn’t always offer up the ‘exact’ finish line one aspires to as time rolls along.’

And, the clock always runs out…

Biden is one of the few remaining dying breed of old-fashion politicians. Back rooms. Cigars. Bourbon. Thousands upon thousands of handshakes. And, promises that will never be kept.

Technology and the 24-hour news cycle on cable television have changed the political landscape forever.


This was / is a surprise visit – without question – between these two leaders, Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin. Especially, when one considers that Assad had NOT left Syria in over four years, that we know of, since the Syrian War exploded – full-scale – on to the international scene.

It is yet another powerful image of Putin’s strong support of the Assad government, and its fight against rebel forces, many with the complete military support of the United States, our allies in the West, as well as many Middle East friends of the US, and foes of Assad, such as Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

Russian air power over the last month has given solid support to Assad’s military against these rebel forces on the ground, and the necessary life-line since this convoluted mess started in 2011. Remember, our Commander-in-Chief – Barry – laying down his infamous “red line in the sand” edict to President Assad, and his beastly treatment of his own citizens, barrel-bombing and mustard gassing his people. How has that “edict” worked out for the world, and the millions of migrants desperately attempting to get their families out of this sewer of humanity?

Bully Boy Putin has insisted that he is only fighting elements of the Islamic State, which to some degree is the truth. While Assad’s claim is that he’s confronting terrorism throughout his country.

If, and it’s a gigantic ‘if,’ Assad is to go – removed from power in Syria – Putin wants to be the one holding most of the cards in such a discussion with Washington. He is NOT about to give up his foothold in this part of the globe.

Mr. Putin is now recognized as a leader intent on rebuilding an empire, as witnessed by his aggressive behavior in Crimea, Ukraine, and most of the eastern edges of the NATO sphere, where there is a large Russian-speaking populace – Estonia, Latvia and Belarus.

Obama talks continuously about the international community being opposed to Putin and his actions over the past eighteen months. Putin, on the other hand, knows full-well that the world will do NOTHING to address / halt his plans, and aggression.

Mr. Putin has NOT only sensed extreme weakness, but an absolute disinclination on the part of our president to exert / engage in any thought of military influence against Russia’s new czar.

Friday of this week, another stalwart of American stability, Johnny Kerry, is to meet with his Russian counter-part, Sergei Lavrov (very, very interesting gentleman), as well as the foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia and Turkey, to discuss Syria, and its on-going objective to finding a resolution of this four-plus year conflict.


October 21, 1967. Forty-eight years ago today.

The Pentagon March.

The original ‘odd couple’ of pediatrician Dr. Benjamin Spock, and the co-leader of the Youth International Party (Yippies), Abbie Hoffman, had organized the Pentagon March. It was the culmination of five days of anti-war protests against the rapidly expanding commitment by Lyndon Johnson to fight a “undeclared war” against the spread of communism in Southeast Asia – namely, South Vietnam.

The march was also the first time that the counterculture openly confronted the Establishment within the confines, and neighborhoods, of the seat of governmental power – Washington, D.C.

The events of those five days were captured by the Pulitzer Prize writing of Norman Mailer in his “Armies of the Night.”

October 21, 1967 became one of the cornerstones of the sixties.

A defining moment in American History. The real birth of questioning our government, and exactly what we were being told by our elected officials. It was when the phrase “credibility gap” began to be a very common, and apt, description of Washington, D.C., and, specifically, the residents living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Abbie Hoffman, weeks before the march, had stated that he would personally “levitate” the Pentagon, and shake out all the evil war spirits from the building. Abbie was always prone to such exaggerations after 36-hours of non-stop ingestion of mind-altering drugs.

It has been estimated that between 100,000-125,000 protesters (large for the time) assembled for the rally at the Lincoln Memorial to listen to such speakers as Spock; Hoffman; the poet Robert Lowell, and Norman Mailer.

It was also one of the first occasions for the growing legions of Hippies, with their long hair, drugs and tie-dry grab, to be coordinated in a organized anti-war protest with writers, actors, doctors, and academics (most in their sport jackets and ties).

Our illustrious Secretary of Defense, at the time, Robert Strange McNamara, authorized 2,500 to protect the Pentagon building, with M-14 rifles. Some of most memorable pictures of the Vietnam War protest movement were taken that day, many capturing young women attempting to place flowers in the muzzles of the M-14s of the young guardsmen.

A week earlier, on October 14th, half a world away, a young second lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps was being medivaced out of Con Thien (with his second wound / injury in less than thirteen days).

That individual was me.