Just a half hour ago, House Republicans selected Paul Ryan (WI) to be their nominee for next Speaker of the House, 200-43.

The full House will vote tomorrow; but, it’s expected that Ryan will become the third most important politician, just behind the president and vice-president.

His work is really cut out for him because outgoing Speaker, John Boehner (OH), has left “the barn” loaded with a malodorous odor, and mounds of unidentifiable matter.

Boehner should be tarred and feathered!

But, instead, we can all expect to see John Boy land a multi-million dollar K Street job, within weeks of leaving on Friday (if he leaves that quickly).

The entire swamp needs to be drained…


It was a dandy.

Longest Game 1 in World Series history…14 innings; 5 hours and 9 minutes.

Blueberry muffins, apple turnovers, Diet Coke, with a nightcap of Hot Cocoa.

Life is good…

Alex Gordon, with one out in the bottom of ninth inning, on a 1-1 pitch, played the savior, keeping the Prairie on fire!!!


I hope every one has paid attention to my previous post pertaining to the current BEST SHOW on TELEVISION: Fargo.

As of this week, three episodes have been broadcast. Depending on your cable company, or getting caught-up by watching on Hulu, you can easily binge to get where you need to be.

Season 2 is a whole new enterprise; whole new cast; and, a whole new story line. Other than the region of the country (although the series was filmed in Alberta, Canada) being the same – Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota – as Season 1, it’s brand new from ‘word one.’

I just have two questions: Who cast Kirsten Dunst? And, why?

Every one else in the show is a bulls-eye!

But, like life itself, nothing is perfect, is it?


Yesterday, a testimony before the Congressional Armed Services Committee went particularly unnoticed, and with very little fanfare.

It had to do with our latest Secretary of Defense, Ash Carter, testifying before that Committee.

As might be expected, the mission by the US against the advances of the Islamic State came front and center during Secretary Carter’s grilling. And, rightfully so. Obama certainly doesn’t seem to be able to clearly articulate his administration’s  objectives in this ugly corner of the globe.

Thus, during Carter’s testimony, in what appeared to be almost an inadvertent slip, Carter suggested the forthcoming of another stage of ‘mission creep” with this comment.

“We won’t hold back…”

What exactly does this remark mean? To what extent, specifically? Whom, within the fragmented ‘coalition,’ will remain supportive, and stay engaged (Canada’s newly elected Boy King, Marty Trudeau, has already stated that Canada will NO longer participate in any combat missions; they’ll help with training only)? Will the Desert Princes, and our so-called NATO partners (Turkey) be involved? How will these suspected ground troops be financed? And, what and how will be their strategy be, and its implementation (remember, Brother Putin is now directly involved as well).

Obviously, these types of questions can’t be spelled out for general consumption, but one would hope that the likes of a Senator John McCain (AZ) would press for such answers in closed door sessions.

Speaking for myself, Ashton Baldwin Carter, gives me great pause. Especially, during such a time as this country is in at the present time, and following on the heels of previous incompetent, Chuck Hagel.

Ashton may be a wizard at Theoretical Physics (for which he has a doctorate), but watching, and listening to him, leaves one to wonder:  Can this man recommend, with authority and conviction, what is best for our young men and women warriors?

I think NOT!


There will be NO coal in everyone’s stockings for the holidays.

It appears tomorrow will bring smooooth sailing for the new spending bill to get to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for the president’s signature, etc, etc, etc.

Rose pedals and sea shells and strawberry-colored balloons for one and all, as the late great basketball analyst, Al McGuire, was fond of saying.

Having said that, “the” elephant in the room – OUR NATIONAL DEBT – continues to go unchallenged; without visible signs of any realistic strong bipartisan discussions; just more bogus pathetic displays for the cable camera “smokescreens.”  

And, the truth of the matter is, it all goes back to 1999. This matter doesn’t just fall on the doorstep of Obama. The uneducated school boys and girls at Fox would certainly like that to be the case for one’s consumption. But, at the tail end of Clinton’s eight-years, even with his presidency leaving a surplus, the housing bubble had started to emerge.

Every one could, and should, have a home in America! Remember? NO, or easy, credit for one and all!

Then, 9/11.

Followed by Iraq and Afghanistan.

The commercial banks got tooooo big.

The Investment banks got tooooo big.

Insurance institutions got tooooo big.

The wonderful excitement of the world of DERIVATIVES.

There was NO real institutional distinction between the three of them any more.

Tooooo much $$$ being held, and controlled, by just a few!

Just like now, Wall Street  was / is tooooo big. Institutions and their dollars control much of the daily volume traded five days a week.


TOOOOOOoooo big to fail?

The Great Depression / Recession of ’07-’08 hit like a freight train! The experts didn’t have a clue! And, I would say that many still don’t believe what and how it all happened.

Our stock market is fictitious.

Our unemployment rate – 5.1% – is fictitious.

Our government bailed and bailed and bailed over a five year period!

Print more money!

Sequestration, as of today’s agreement, is fictitious.

The 1%ters have gained “complete control of Planet Earth!”

96 plus million Americans are NO longer in the workforce!

And, other than poor Bernie Madoff with his elaborate Ponzi scheme, NO ONE went to prison!

Welcome to Tuesday, October 27, 2015.

Enjoy the rest of your day as best you can because “the barn hasn’t been cleaned out,” by any one. It just has a lot more smelling crap in it!

Little Johnny Boehner will be remembered for NOT liking to shovel s*&t very much, or very often!


Between the 13th through the 19th of this month, an AP-GfK poll was taken. The poll surveyed over 1,200 respondents across the country. It targeted all sections of  the US, in addition to all segments of household income.

Its purpose: how would you feel about a government shutdown to force Washington politicians to face up to, finally, and reduce federal spending, and, in a consequential way, address the country’s mounting Debt Crisis.

The sampling margin of error was 3.3% points – plus, or minus (much the same as most reputable polls).

This morning the results of that poll were released, and more than 56% of Americans would favor a “shutdown.” Those against were at 46%.

This comes on the heels of last night’s news that out-going House Speaker, John Boehner, had negotiated a deal with the White House that a proposed spending bill, if approved by Congress, would keep the government open through March 17, 2017. This proposal would also add $80 billion dollars of federal spending, while cutting benefits within the Social Security System, and Medicare payouts (Disability aspects being under the biggest threat).

It now appears that Boehner will try to bring his and the White House’s bill to a vote tomorrow in the House.

As of my post, NO release of how the questions in the AP-GfK poll were asked; what the specific content of the questions were; were specific options to questions asked; and, most importantly, did all respondents in this poll understand that if there is a governmental “shutdown, it would fall on December 11th – fourteen days before Santa is scheduled to arrive!

Being brave, and demonstrating the iron will of the members of the First Continental  Congress, of 1774, is one thing, two full months before the obese behavior of a 2015 Christmas holiday season. It’s another to watch spoiled Americans dig their heels in, smile at little Susie and Johnny, while explaining a long overdue belt-tightening during the most festive time of the year.

Let me see a show of hands with that kind of comfort level. I thought so…

Well, all I’ll say, at this juncture, is, be prepared for the pitchforks and torches of a very different populace come ‘Jingle Bell’ time, aunts and uncles. Personal responsibility; character; doing what’s right; and, sacrificing for the betterment of the common good…you get the picture. The horizon seems very bleak at the moment.

Plus, the Wall Street crowd will NEVER allow it to reach critical mass. They’re all reveling in the doomsday state of the country. 1%’ters!

Does any one still have the contact numbers for Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin?


The above phrase has been used repeatedly over the past month by outgoing Speaker of the House, John Boehner (OH). It’s been made in reference to his ability to address as many key matters as possible before a new Speaker is elected.

There, also, is the distinct possibility that such an election may take place by Halloween, this Saturday, the 31st…before the bewitching hour (sorry, I couldn’t help throwing that in!).

Now, in the last forty-five minutes, both the New York Times and the Washington Post, are reporting that there may be an agreement between Congress and the White House on the all-important Budget Bill. This tentatively agreed-upon legislation would take us up to March 17, 2017.

Details, as I post, are sketchy. But, it appears that the proposed budget would be for this extended period of time by design (meaning it would get us through next year’s presidential election). It would also signify that there would be NO government shutdown.

Early indications are that Social Security would be affected by way of its Disability benefits, at present, being revised; and, cuts in spending to Medicare. Both have been major areas of concern within the Republican party for the past fifteen plus years.

Government sources are telling the NYT and Wapost that spending would increase roughly $80 billion (NOT counting emergency war funding) over this period.

Both news outlets are saying that the proposed legislation still must be presented to the rank-and-file this week for the garnering of House approval, and then on to the Senate.

It is said that Speaker Boehner led the negotiations. When asked if projected new Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan (WI), was part of these talks, the answer from sources was that he was NOT, and would NOT be part of getting its approval with the rank-and-file of the House.

If it is true that Representative Ryan was NOT part of these negotiations, and will NOT be part of getting this legislation approved, I’m concerned. Very concerned!

While Ryan has, for years, fought for a complete review of entitlements, I’m NOT sure that he might, and, I emphasize might, NOT to be completely pleased with this pending bill. Certainly, the continued increase in government spending would definitely be something that he – Ryan – would NOT have been comfortable supporting without much more in the way of cutting some of the government funding for welfare and social programs that have historically been fettered with massive abuse, and taxpayer dollars. These programs are always, “Trust, but NEVER, EVER Verify!!!”

If one looks up the definition of oxymoron in the dictionary, it reads, “good governance.”


Again, here’s my all-time favorite “political clown” – so far – in my lifetime, doing what he does best: SLING S%^T.

This above video comes from this morning. The Weave was appearing on the Today show being asked, in an absurd Townhall setting, if he ever had it “tough.”

At this point of the campaign, doesn’t it look like Donnie Boy has put on a couple of lbs?

Both Grandma H and The Donald have their wardrobe made by a military tent manufacturer, don’t you think?

They are both very obese people!

I want their medical records disclosed, covering the last ten years. Seriously!

Give me ten, Donnie and Grandma Hillary.


For the second week in a row, Big Boy College Football had a dramatic finish in, literally, the closing seconds (Michigan State’s win against Michigan last week). Six seconds, to be exact this week.

This time, the educated wardens of Georgia Tech beat the inmates from Florida’s penal system, Florida State (should be undergoing a full-scale NCAA investigation going as far back as to the days of their former illiterate Head Coach, Bobby Bowden). 22-16. This so-called representative of “higher education” located in Tallahassee, Florida, should have had their gates closed 25 years ago.

How can any institution, penal or otherwise, allow their head coach to be called Jumbo? Have alleged criminal behavior by Jameis Winston (numerous offenses) be awarded the 2013Heishman Trophy? Have a yearly – steady – stream of misconduct by its ‘inmates’ and, still allow this primates to play on Saturday?

The answers are simple and obvious.

Money. Cable television. Recognizable corporate sponsors. All three the Lucifers of college athletes / sports.

Enjoy the final ten seconds. I should did!

One thing worth noting, in the ‘heat of the moment,’ did you hear the color analyst say, “to get your field on the team? ”

I didn’t think so. Go back and listen to the call…

Mark Jones, the play-by-play announcer, is right, “What a time to be alive!’

What a hypocrite I am…

But, who doesn’t love Saturdays?

…My wife!