2013 seems a long time ago…

This afternoon the Obama Administration changed course as far as “boots on the ground” strategy goes in Syria. Somewhere between 38-50 Special Operations Forces will be deployed to Kurdish-controlled areas in Syria against the Islamic State troops.

The administration says that there will be “no direct combat role against the fight against the Islamic State forces.” Horses@#t!

When one is getting shot at, it’s combat! When one is firing back, it’s combat! When one is directing artillery strikes, it’s combat! When one is calling in air-support, and or air-strikes, it’s called combat! Fighting the enemy=COMBAT!

And, Mr. President, the Islamic State is the enemy. Our enemy is the Islamic State, Barry. Which is what your military people have been telling you for over two years.

Josh Earnest, White House Press Secretary, and some classic verbal manure.

CNN. A series of moments displaying governmental ‘flip-flop.’

In a war that I know quite well, even John Kennedy couldn’t get it RIGHT.

There is NO such thing as “advice and assistance” in a combat zone! Only direct combat roles, which means fighting and dying.

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