Between the 13th through the 19th of this month, an AP-GfK poll was taken. The poll surveyed over 1,200 respondents across the country. It targeted all sections of  the US, in addition to all segments of household income.

Its purpose: how would you feel about a government shutdown to force Washington politicians to face up to, finally, and reduce federal spending, and, in a consequential way, address the country’s mounting Debt Crisis.

The sampling margin of error was 3.3% points – plus, or minus (much the same as most reputable polls).

This morning the results of that poll were released, and more than 56% of Americans would favor a “shutdown.” Those against were at 46%.

This comes on the heels of last night’s news that out-going House Speaker, John Boehner, had negotiated a deal with the White House that a proposed spending bill, if approved by Congress, would keep the government open through March 17, 2017. This proposal would also add $80 billion dollars of federal spending, while cutting benefits within the Social Security System, and Medicare payouts (Disability aspects being under the biggest threat).

It now appears that Boehner will try to bring his and the White House’s bill to a vote tomorrow in the House.

As of my post, NO release of how the questions in the AP-GfK poll were asked; what the specific content of the questions were; were specific options to questions asked; and, most importantly, did all respondents in this poll understand that if there is a governmental “shutdown, it would fall on December 11th – fourteen days before Santa is scheduled to arrive!

Being brave, and demonstrating the iron will of the members of the First Continental  Congress, of 1774, is one thing, two full months before the obese behavior of a 2015 Christmas holiday season. It’s another to watch spoiled Americans dig their heels in, smile at little Susie and Johnny, while explaining a long overdue belt-tightening during the most festive time of the year.

Let me see a show of hands with that kind of comfort level. I thought so…

Well, all I’ll say, at this juncture, is, be prepared for the pitchforks and torches of a very different populace come ‘Jingle Bell’ time, aunts and uncles. Personal responsibility; character; doing what’s right; and, sacrificing for the betterment of the common good…you get the picture. The horizon seems very bleak at the moment.

Plus, the Wall Street crowd will NEVER allow it to reach critical mass. They’re all reveling in the doomsday state of the country. 1%’ters!

Does any one still have the contact numbers for Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin?

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