The above phrase has been used repeatedly over the past month by outgoing Speaker of the House, John Boehner (OH). It’s been made in reference to his ability to address as many key matters as possible before a new Speaker is elected.

There, also, is the distinct possibility that such an election may take place by Halloween, this Saturday, the 31st…before the bewitching hour (sorry, I couldn’t help throwing that in!).

Now, in the last forty-five minutes, both the New York Times and the Washington Post, are reporting that there may be an agreement between Congress and the White House on the all-important Budget Bill. This tentatively agreed-upon legislation would take us up to March 17, 2017.

Details, as I post, are sketchy. But, it appears that the proposed budget would be for this extended period of time by design (meaning it would get us through next year’s presidential election). It would also signify that there would be NO government shutdown.

Early indications are that Social Security would be affected by way of its Disability benefits, at present, being revised; and, cuts in spending to Medicare. Both have been major areas of concern within the Republican party for the past fifteen plus years.

Government sources are telling the NYT and Wapost that spending would increase roughly $80 billion (NOT counting emergency war funding) over this period.

Both news outlets are saying that the proposed legislation still must be presented to the rank-and-file this week for the garnering of House approval, and then on to the Senate.

It is said that Speaker Boehner led the negotiations. When asked if projected new Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan (WI), was part of these talks, the answer from sources was that he was NOT, and would NOT be part of getting its approval with the rank-and-file of the House.

If it is true that Representative Ryan was NOT part of these negotiations, and will NOT be part of getting this legislation approved, I’m concerned. Very concerned!

While Ryan has, for years, fought for a complete review of entitlements, I’m NOT sure that he might, and, I emphasize might, NOT to be completely pleased with this pending bill. Certainly, the continued increase in government spending would definitely be something that he – Ryan – would NOT have been comfortable supporting without much more in the way of cutting some of the government funding for welfare and social programs that have historically been fettered with massive abuse, and taxpayer dollars. These programs are always, “Trust, but NEVER, EVER Verify!!!”

If one looks up the definition of oxymoron in the dictionary, it reads, “good governance.”

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