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The company headquarters of Volkswagen is now admitting that over 11million of its diesel cars – world wide – have been fitted with faulty software causing “false” emission readings in its cars. Software that in effect cheats the proper emissions levels administrated by the folks at the EPA.

This morning company officials have admitted to having set aside over $7.5 billion dollars to correct these pollution-level issues.

Volkswagen, over the last month, has gone from completely denying there were such problems with their diesel inventory; but, that has all changed in the last 72 hours as the wolves (in the best of senses) from the EPA have closed in.

Volkswagen, as of yesterday, has halted all sales of these cars within the United States.

Ironically, since Pope Francis is about to arrive in the states for his 5-day visit, he should pass out copies of his second encyclical – Laudato Si – to every VW dealership in America, and instruct the Vatican to overnight copies to the VW executive board, as well as its trustees for some retrospective bedside reading.

The growing VW scandal, and it will only get bigger, is yet another example of the fact that NOTHING has really changed since 2007-08. Zero…

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