The day of a million errands.

We all have them, every so often. Especially, when you’ve finally retired. I am now that errand boy, and delivery man.

As I was driving around the metroplex this morning, I, repeatedly, noticed on the more than necessary digital billboards one of those 15-second ads that describes how a growing portion of our society seem to conduct their lives.

It was sponsored by a regional law firm, specializing in Domestic Abuse and Divorce. The ad read, SIMPLE DIVORCE, $249. In most cases, it can be handed online. NO appointment necessary.


I bet I noticed the ad in question on at least a dozen of billboards. Aunts and uncles, I think it’s safe to say the above has become a “cottage industry.” On-demand separations, and removals from our lives, right?

Like everything else in our lives, Love and sustainable relationships are disposable elements in our daily existence.

Just like Pope Francis asked and challenged all of us to implement, through personal commitment, and dedication, in the course of our collective time on this planet, don’t you think?

But, my guess is most of folks that will call the toll-free number of the above law firm weren’t even aware of last week’s visit of the pontiff.


The Donald released the above new tax plan this morning.

I have quickly looked it over, and have serious, serious doubts that it will ever see the ‘light-of-day,’ if, God forbid, he wins the presidential election next year.

While he has finally submitted a plan on one of the critical matters heading into next year, he has neglected conveniently, for me, a few major issues:


725 Fifth Avenue (Trump Tower) is NOT the same as 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue!


Gandhi once said, “Those who believe that religion and politics aren’t connected don’t understand either.”

Put another way, as in the case of America, and its citizens, I feel what states it ever more definitively is Mark 8:36, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his soul.”

Over a period of just six days, on his first trip to the United States, that’s exactly what Pope Francis managed to accomplished during his visits. Those visits entailed going from the White House to Philadelphia’s largest jail.

In other words, the pope came to look into the face of America. NOT just the pretty ones, but the ones – souls – who are struggling on a daily basis to find their own sense of dignity.

And, in the midst of those six days, he, reportedly, had at least two “behind-closed-sessions” with the American Catholic Bishops, as he should have. We are led to believe that Francis made it explicitly clear to the bishops that a) they are to be pastors, and to get into each of their respective community personally and spread the Word; and, b) they will be held directly responsible for the protection of the children of the Catholic Church, proper vetting of all parish priests, and that there shall NOT be any further abuses of the young within the church.

Back in 1965, when I was a junior in college, Pope Paul VI became the first pope to visit America. It almost seems inconceivable, but America did NOT have formal diplomatic relations with the Vatican at the time. That was just fifty years ago!

The church in America is in serious trouble at the moment. Since 2008, when Benedict XVI was the last pontiff to visit the United States, there are some 3 million fewer practicing Catholic adults in the pews across the country on any given Saturday night, or Sunday morning attending Mass.

Since the thirteenth of March, 2013, when Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected the Vicar of Christ, Francis has taken to task the world’s superpowers, especially the United States of America, for the sins of materialism and hubris.

If any one of us is truly objective about the pope’s comment(s), we have to admit he’s hit NOT only the nerve of America – for which many are bothered – but, the pontiff has hit the bulls-eye as regards American society.

Having said that, let me quickly say that the pope was NOT a righteous prophet during his visit at all, if he was anything, Francis displayed himself as a pastor. He showed the greatness of his ‘human touch’ at every stop – the shepherd – reaching and tending to his flock, which the church desperately is in need of, at this time.

It must be said that the age of authority was demonstrated to be far less effective by the pontiff’s words of persuasion at every stop as well.

Everywhere he visited, at some point, Francis asked his audience to “Please pray for me.” Indescribable humility!

While seeking to uphold the ‘dogma of the church’ without the appearance of being dogmatic about it, Pope Francis cites the power of the Holy Spirit when he talks about the importance of service to others, and the adherence of the written word of God (church dogma).

With his commitment to church doctrine, he disappointed some who yearn for reform to suit their specific concern, need or behavior.

The result for many American Catholics – both liberal and conservative – was a sense of renewal and possibility, buffered by questions of whether Francis, and his welcoming rhetoric, would be enough to bridge serious divisions as a very traditional church struggles to find its place in a disillusioned American society.

Personally, I think it’s fair to say, as a faithful and practicing Catholic, most such “serious divisions” are man-made.

Salvation isn’t suppose to work that way…


Pope Francis is taxing out on one of the runways at the Philadelphia International Airport, about to take off.

Wheels are up!

Let’s hope that the pope has appealed to the “best of our angels” in this country.

By that I mean, one can only hope that he’s NOT a rock star, and the concert is now over for most of us in America, but that his message(s) and his marvelous engaging of people of ALL ilks will be taken to heart…


The Pontiff of the Catholic Church.

The Bishop of Rome.

Successor, in a direct line, to Peter.

Pope Francis.

For the past 6 days, the Holy Father has visited various sites in Washington, DC, New York City, and Philadelphia.

Thus, the absence of any postings by me.

For me, personally, after watching, literally, almost every second of his visit via MSNBC, CNN, and Fox, depending on whom each respective network had on at any given hour as their religious, Catholic, and / or Vatican analyst / consultant / guest.

I’ll have a lot to say over the next week about the Pope’s visit, but if I had put in a concise answer what his visit meant to me, it would be: the value of FAMILY, and RELIGIOUS LIBERTY.

His moral presence couldn’t have come at a better time for America.


“It ain’t over till it’s over.”

Unfortunately, for all of us today, it’s over.

Lawrence Peter Berra, known to Planet Earth as “Yogi” died late last night at the age of 90.

Yogi was one of the greatest New York Yankee players – ever – in their illustrious history. Truly. And, Yogi Berra had one of the most endearing characteristics of any one, in any profession, he NEVER developed the “disease of me.” NEVER. EVER.

While people were enamored with Yogi as an original character. He was an open, fun-loving man, who loved his wife of 65 years, Carmen (who passed away just 18  months ago), and proved to be a wonderful father and grandfather.

As the Yankee catcher, Yogi was the enemy to me. A Yankee! But, growing up in Maine, Yogi was someone that was very, very special. Why? One word: CLUTCH. Yogi was destructive when the game was on the line. Ninth inning heroics. Extra innings games. Down by one, two, three…it seemed like it NEVER bothered Yogi. Plus, he always did it with a smile and genuine humility. Mainers respected Yogi. He was never a Damn Yankee.

Baseball is a game of numbers – numbers in the game are revered – and, believe me, Yogi had them.

How this stat, Yogi led the Yankees seven straight seasons in runs batted in (RBIs), with / on teams with Joe DiMaggio and Mickey Mantle.

He was an All-Star 15 times in his 19 major league seasons. Yogi was the Most Valuable Player (MVP) three times. He appeared in 14 World Series, winning 10 times. More than any other player. Yogi also holds the record for the most games played, most times at bat, and having the most hits…still in the history of the World Series.

But, the experience that Yogi had that I, personally, admire the most was he was a gunner’s mate aboard the USS Bayfield, flagship for the bloody landing at Utah Beach on June 6, 1944. Normandy. Invasion of Europe. WW II. D-Day.

Yogi was a true Hall-of-Famer. Heaven is a happier place…

HACKED OFF, again!

It is quite obvious that our government doesn’t have a handle on the security / protection of its citizens, when it comes to our personal information.

This morning, the Office of Personal Management announced that somewhere between 5.5 million to 6 million citizens have had their fingerprints stolen.

If you remember, a couple of months ago, federal officials told us that that number was around 1.1 million, when the administration broke the ‘troubling news’ that 22 million people had had their personal Social Security numbers – as well as other “personal / private information” – stolen by international hackers. Supposed international hackers, we have NEVER gotten the official confirmation of that from Washington yet.

The immediate release also indicated that an intra-agency group, comprised of the FBI, Homeland Security and the Defense Department were conducting investigations on the impact of this above situation. Here, let me help…it isn’t, and won’t be, good.

There, I feel much better now…

No, I don’t!


There is NO Statue of Liberty in Europe.

However, due to its geography, millions, literally, millions of people are escaping the “horrors of war” by fleeing into European countries daily, by the thousands.

Since 2011, 4 million Syrians, alone, have fled that country into neighboring Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. The consequences of those numbers into the latter two countries has made the situation unbearable, simply because of the physical size of both Jordan and Lebanon.

Yesterday, 24 of the 28 countries that make up the European Union (EU) decided to further investigate some form of a lottery system based on each nation’s respective size, facilities and individual economy. Sounds compassionate, doesn’t it? But,…

In the midst of all of this heartbreak, last week countries, such as Hungary, started sealing / closing its borders to any / all migrants. Just on the surface, this Migrant Crisis has NOT only become a humanitarian and security nightmare, but an administrative one as well.

As I’ve posted before, just conducting the proper security vetting procedures is next to an impossibility for many of these underdeveloped nations. They simply DO NOT HAVE such internal apparatus to control accurately these types of administrative vetting.

United Nations (UN) polling indicates over 700 million people would like to leave their country. Obviously, NOT all of these migrants are political refugees. Thousands, upon thousands, are economic migrants escaping impoverished countries.

The UN now estimates that 1 out of every 122 people on the face of the earth is displaced. 1 / 122!!! The mind, at least mine, can’t compute to this level of sorrow and tragedy.

That above number represents the highest level of human beings fleeing, attempting to escape persecution, poverty or war, than at any time since World War II.