As those of you who have been ‘fellow travelers” with me and this blog from Day One, there are two places that hold a very special place in my heart: Maine (the remaining areas NOT inhabited by the frauds from Washington, D. C., Philadelphia; and, Long Island), and the country of Scotland.

Last night, the blessed nuns from Pescara, Italy, forwarded on to me a YouTube video of less than 15 minutes of the shallowness of Donald Trump and his revolting impact on this special spot of land in Scotland, and, the Scots themselves. As each day rolls by, Trump becomes more and more nauseating, and contemptible in ALL manner of behavior and human decency. He has lost ALL concern for others, it’s all about just him: THE DONALD.

This video is just over 2 years old, but it still speaks volumes about what a toad Trump is / has been / and, will be in the future.


Debbie Wasserman Schultz, aunts and uncles.

Where on Long Island do you think she has her hairdo done??? Females must be lined up around the block. Come to think of it, it reminds me a bit of Primetime’s old “do.” Jheri curl! Even better, Rick James or Prince…

DWS. Put the below video on constant repeat, when you get depressed over The Donald. Loop it…

Republican debates are right around the corner; only ten will be allowed on the stage. As of yesterday, with former Virginia governor Jim Gilmore announcing his entry into the race, the elephants are now at seventeen candidates.

The average American might be able to name three of them…

Where’s Rod Sterling? 2016 needs him!


The above video comes from yesterday’s hearings before the Senate.

NO matter what party one is a member of, we should ALL agree that our government, and the people we’ve elected, thus, been appointed, could easily entertain in all 3 rings of the Ringling Brothers circus.

You remember our History 101, “CIRCUS AND BREAD for our citizens!”

Utterly embarrassing…


The following press conference, from yesterday, with the head coach of my New England Patriots, Bill Belichick.

Classic Bill. If you’re NOT a fan of the Pats, his pressers are like having steel spikes driven under your finger nails.

By the way, note the hoodie on Belichick. The temperature in Foxboro was around 90 degrees. NO one doubts that the Pats have the best HVAC in the NFL.


Life gets scarier by the day, doesn’t it?

And, we all thought Michael Moore occupied “space.”

I wish I could ask Natasha Lyonne just a couple of things, like: name the capital of Iran; find it on a map for me within 5 seconds; and, tell me which of Flannery O’Connor’s stories she liked best and why.

I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist the joy I take away from sarcasm…

Watching Johnny Kerry in these above 2 brief minutes scares the poop out of me!


It’s always the “cover-up” – always, isn’t it?

Bill Polian brought up a point this morning that I didn’t realize even existed, which is that within the NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), since 1968, there has been an Article 46. What this article says, in effect, is that the Commissioner of the NFL, in this case / circumstance, Roger Goodell, does have the right to be the judge (said another way, Goodell has the power!) in any decision as regards a situation that affects “the integrity of the game” at its core. Deflategate most definitely did have that element to it.

Tommy, as much as I lov’ya, report to the principle’s office immediately! Last time I checked there’s ‘NO i in team!’

I’d strongly advise little Roger to built a lakeside home somewhere in Indiana. If he doesn’t, trust me, the lobstermen of Maine will destroy, in bits and pieces, his house on Prouts Neck! And, on certain nights, they’ll be assisted by the Scarborough police.

The history and legacy of Maine lobstermen has NOT always been congenial, especially to pushy New Yorkers…


Stay out of Federal Court, Tommy, if what’s being reported this afternoon has a fiber of truth to it. Tom Brady, destroying your personal cell phone?! Dumb, Tommy Boy! Really, really stupid!

You should have “had the balls” to face the music immediately realizing what you had done with your NET 10. Even Roger couldn’t stay off that kind of fast ball – right down the middle – as is being reported across Planet Earth this afternoon.

You; your agent; the New England Patriot organization; and, the NFLPA were definitely NOT ready for “prime-time” on how best to handle this fiasco.

Bill, you better go get a real rental vet QB, because little Jimmy, and old Matt Flynn, are NO where near close to being ready to take the first snap, once big boy football commences on Thursday night, September 10th, against the Steelers..

I’m pissed….really pissed!


As I have a want to do, while picking up a couple of printing cartridges this weekend at the local – and closest – Best Buy, I spent a couple of minutes rummaging through the $4.99 or up bin for films that I wanted to see, but for whatever reason hadn’t yet.

To my amazement, I found a copy of ’71, with Jack O’Connell (from Unbroken).

’71 is a British movie about “The Troubles” of Northern Ireland. This film has a strong flavor of even-handedness, showing the corruption, respective commitment of each side’s cause, and the murderous devastation that prejudices can bring to both in the way of unintended consequences.

In ’71, the two sides had multiple components to each: the Ulster Protestants with the Ulster Royal Constabulary in one corner, with their own paramilitary wing led by the Ulster Defense Association; while on the Catholic side, there was the IRA with its provisional and “official” factions fighting amongst themselves,as well as the British paramilitaries. And, to make matters all the more confusing, there was the British Army itself, with its own patrol soldiers walking the neighborhoods, in addition to the army’s own “trick” squads used for assassination purposes only. A chessboard of contradictions!

O’Connell’s character is a ‘fresh-out-of-training’ British soldier, Gary Hook, who gets separated from his unit in Belfast on his first mission into one of the most volatile neighborhoods of this city in Northern Ireland during these turbulent times in Irish / British history. It centers on his attempt to get back to his unit, and barracks, in this unfamiliar sector of Belfast; who to trust; when does truth matter, and by whom; and, personal salvation in the end.

Excellent entertainment. Believable from the first scene…

Get your  ticket!