Over the four days, the Prairie has become flooded, literally. And, the forecast for this week calls for LOTS more of the same. We’ve needed it due to the severe drought conditions scattered in multiple locations over the Prairie in the last three years.

When it rains on the Prairie it comes in sheets, accompanied with hard winds, and periods of heavy gusts. Penetrating!

Yesterday morning, as my wife and I were getting ready for Mass, we got a call from one of our neighbors about her roof collapsing, into her bedroom. NOT good! For the balance of the next five plus hours, we, along with two other neighbors cleaned out gutters; swept excess water off her roof, water vaccumed carpet, moved furniture, and took pix of her disaster. Until help, her insurance agent and a water restoration crew arrived. They had already had a busy day. The city had being making numerous such calls well into the night to agents and like-service companies.

My wife had brought a half dozen movies home for the weekend from the library. Actually, we intended on getting caught up on movies that we hadn’t seen over the past year, for one reason or another.

We decided to watch BIRDMAN after getting cleaned up and having a bite to eat. Terrible film! Every one in the cast was intent in over-acting his or her part from the the every first seconds of the story. Ego; loss of ego; depression; loss of family; trying to regain family; career in the theatre; a diminishing figure in the theatre; the mind’s tricks on self; what do true relationships mean?; and, does life offer us true relationships any way? And, these are just in the first 20 minutes. If you haven’t see it, DO NOT BOTHER!

I was really looking forward to seeing it because I’m a big Michael Keaton fan. And, his career has somewhat sputtered over the last few years.

Here is an example of what I’m talking about —

Here’s what Keaton should be doing —

OOps, it just started raining…

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