“Live Free or Die”

Those were the words uttered by General John Stark – the hero of the Battle of Bennington – during the American Revolutionary War in 1777.

In actuality, General Stark, in 1809, spoke the phrase in a letter of explanation, due to his failing health, on why he would not be able to attend a reunion anniversary commemorating the Battle of Bennington stating, “Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils.”

Well, it’s my guess that the good old general would have been proud of the independence shown by his fellow (current day, of course) citizens in Keene, New Hampshire this morning.

The “I’m Ready For Hillary ’16” caravan rolled into this incredibly beautiful little town, and decided to have some of the breakfast pastries at Kristin’s Bistro and Bakery prior to heading off to a small business round table meeting.

It became pretty obvious to the Clinton staffers that their planning had NOT fully vetted the ‘attitudes and temperament’ of many of the natives, or as Grandma Hillary calls them, “America’s every day people.”

Many did NOT want to have pictures close to, or near Grandma H this morning. Watching some of the early video shot by NH news outlets, Kristin’s regular patrons were noticeably rushing out the door to get away from this faux grandmother.

But, the best segments were of the kitchen help literally being subject to employer begging to ‘meet and greet’ Grandma H…shaking their heads in the negative. Sunny-side eggs are a much greater priority! Can’t serve any burnt toast, Mabel.

Since there is NO one more less self-effacing than Grandma H, it was hilarious to watch her expressions; plus, desperately trying to smile and laugh (which she has NEVER done in the course of her life!) at her torturous circumstance at Kristen’s this morning. You could tell exactly what was racing through her mind: Wanting to just scream F-U to every consumer finishing their third chocolate-coated pastry, with crushed walnuts on the top.

Please, plan to pay a visit to the Downtown Kristin’s Bistro and Bakery, 28 Washington Street, Keene, as you drive through our nation’s ninth state (June 1788) during a trip to New England.

They open at 6 am, Monday-Saturday…

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