Mickey Mouse (Disneyland) is taking the blame for the latest medical “outbreak” — measles.

As of my post, there are 97 confirmed cases across the country, mainly on the west coast.

Rightly so, people get concerned when something like this happens; and, it becomes further enhanced by the shrill voices from the Non-Vaccination crowd against the Pro-Vaccination crowd. Parents feeling that they know what’s best on the issue of inoculations.

I’m NOT a doctor. And, I’ve never played one. But, when these scares occur, I like to bring up to any one who’s willing to listen, that the medical profession has come a long, long way to this point in our history.

Allow me to point out two past historic and incredible pandemics:

THE BLACK DEATH from 1347 TO 1351 — estimates are that somewhere between 85 to 135 million perished; when the global population was 420 million (please don’t ask me how the numbers were arrived at);

THE SPANISH FLU from 1918 to 1919 — estimates then were that somewhere between 50-60 million people died; and, coming on the heels of the human devastation from WWI, it’s horrific to think what it did to the lives of millions of families.

So, my limited counsel is, please keep taking your Vitamin C tablets, or have a couple of glasses of the juice…daily.


The following info is from Nielsen ratings since the first Super Bowl:

1) XLVIII  Seahawks over Broncos   111,488,000

2) XLVI  Giants over Patriots   111,346,000

3) XLV   Packers over Steelers   111,041,000

4) XLVII  Ravens over ’49ers   108,414,000

5) XLIV   Saints over Colts   106,476,000

6) XLIII   Steelers over Cardinals   98,732,000

7) XLII Giants over Patriots   97,448,000

8) XXX   Cowboys over Steelers   94,080,000

9) XLI   Colts over Bears   93,184,000

10) XX   Bears over Patriots   92,570,000

A couple of comments – Both losses by my Pats to the New York Giants were “heartbreaking classics;” the loss to the Chicago Bears on January 26, ’86, by a score of 46-10 was an utter embarrassment; that Bears team was one of the best ever in the history of the NFL – marvelous on defense. They couldn’t dance however! Remember the ‘Super Bowl Shuffle?’ YouTube it for some laughs.

Tomorrow’s game should set a new record…

nb — Super Bowl I had only 24 million viewers.


Some fifty-five years ago, one of my closest summer friends (for the better part of fifteen years), returned after his freshman year in college to an area along the coast of Maine where both our families vacationed from the end of May until the first week in September, with a new name. For purposes of this posting, I’ll call him John Burke. In point of fact, his real name was very much similar in its very “familiar” surname.

John had changed NOT only his name, he was changed…

John was an adopted son. His parents – wonderful people – weren’t able to have children of their own. John had been adopted through one of the many international agencies of Catholic Charities / Refugee Relief. He had been born in one of the many camps in Palestine during the Second World War.

As I would see him each summer, John began to look less and less like a member of the Burke family. It was NO secret that he had been adopted. Everyone, including John himself, was, and had been told from Day One, that he was from the Middle East. He had a devotional love for his adopted parents, but if you knew John, you could feel the strain of ‘being different’ as the years rolled by, summer after summer. From the time we both started prep school, even from a distance, whether in letters, or phone conversations over the holidays, he would touch on going back to the Middle East, or that he was going to major in International Law, or Islam, or join the Peace Corps for a couple years after college. He could speak and write Hebrew and Arabic fluently; and, he had kept up both growing up enrolled in separate classes while living in New York City. John Burke, to this day, was one of the smartest, and funniest, people I’ve ever been around.

By the aforementioned summer after our freshman years at college, John Burke had become Mohammed Ismail. Legally.

Although, we remained extremely close throughout college, it was now different. He became a devoted Muslim. I remained a devoted Catholic. By our senior year, conversations were rarely level-headed, and seldom ended pleasant.

Less than two weeks before leaving for Vietnam in July, 1967, I received a call from Mrs. Burke telling me that her John Mohammed Ismail Burke had been killed during the Six-Day War somewhere along the Sinai Peninsula border in June.

The impact was devastating on me. In many ways, still is. Especially, given where we ALL are within the world today.

I mention the above as a prelude to what my wife and I are going to be doing over the next couple of months. We’re going back to school, and taking a course on Religion in the Middle East, including Christianity.

As we know, over the period of the last three years, matters in the Middle East have inflamed again. On major scales, one right after another.

Someone said recently, the land of Adam and Eve has become the land of Cain and Abel again. The religious scars and conflicts that pot-mark the modern Middle East are far from inevitable, let alone completely understood by most of us.

One recent example, since August of this past year, where there was once over 1.4 million Christians in Iraq in ’87, since August there are now less than 300,000 left in country. All desperately trying to leave / escape from the onslaught of the Islamic State. Thank God for the Kurds!

Over the past few decades, zealous nationalism has spread across the Middle East. Prime among them being the Iranian Revolution of 1979; the Iraqi elections of 2005; and, the Arab Spring of ’10.  With all of this, religion’s rise within the Muslim world has coincided with the explosive rise in migration into each respective country’s major cities, or into the over-flowing refugee camps.

Then, as it also has, and always will be, these horrific circumstances will become economic, and the real tragedy is: DIVERSITY LOSES, along with the lives of millions.

I wish John Mohammed Ismail Burke was going to be in the class with us…


Back on September 4th, I brilliantly predicted that Super Bowl XLIX would be played between the Seattle Seahawks, and my New England Patriots on this blog. Guess what, aunts and uncles?

I’ve still got it at age seventy-two…

On to the contest. This game has three keys, two are obvious, the third is an attempt at brilliance – again – by myself:

1) Turnovers have to be minimized, especially early; remember last year’s first play from scrimmage by Peyton Manning; ‘game-set-match’ before any one had eaten their second slice of pizza;

2) Special teams’ play, I think, will be very critical throughout this game;

3) The effectiveness of the middle linebackers of the Seahawks against the Patriots’ Gronkowski, Hoomanawanui, Wright, Edelman, and Amendola. 


The word is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary (known as OED to Patriot Nation) as “compensatory recovery or response.”

To one very young, and very abrasive Irish Catholic boy, who learnt its meaning and impact very early, it also meant, ‘I didn’t eat the chocolates’ under the intense interrogation of that boy’s mother, and maternal grandmother and aunt has held up very well over time, and distance. It’s great (NO, let me rephrase that, it’s stupendous) when you’re right, NO matter the age of the accused. Thank you, Monsignor Savage!

The only way tomorrow ends well for that same boy (granted a tad longer in the tooth) is for there to be complete and total redemption from / for the lads from Foxboro.

After two weeks of pure contrived nonsense, unadulterated rubbish, and directed BS from 99.99999999% of the press / media, I predict the Patriots will do what they have to do, and mustWIN.

And, I’m the kind of person that wants the win to be described years later as “scorched earth destruction.”

Hell, Bill Kilgore can describe it better than I can…

Smell that? You smell that?

Napalm, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. 


Article II, Section I, of the Constitution of the United States…

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”  

Deputy White House press secretary Eric Schultz (who appears to be twelve years old to me), yesterday, described the Taliban as “an armed insurgency” rather than a terrorist group. It was in exchange of desperately tying to explain why the White House issued non-supportive comments about Jordan attempting to negotiating a prisoner swap with the Islamic State. Once again, the White House is going to ridiculous extremes to try and differentiate a difference between President Barry’s prisoner exchange of the Taliban Five, from Gitmo, for that deserting hemorrhoid, Bowe Bergdahl, from what one of our allies -Jordan – is attempting to do in their current circumstance. For Heaven’s sake, they’re BOTH f—ing terrorist organizations!

The White House further clouded their “crap on shoes” explanation, today, by saying that while the Taliban’s tactics are “akin to terrorism” the Mensa group at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue feels that the Taliban has NO ambitions outside of Afghanistan. Please take the time read that comment again…and, again…and, again.

Abject absurdity!

Why doesn’t the White House try and detail that explanation to the 2,250 families that have lost loved ones in Afghanistan. And, after they have carry through with that mission, the White House, should continue on with that explanation by breaking down the difference to the thousands, upon thousands, of men / women who raised their right hand, and are now in dozens of VA facilities; burn units stateside and over-seas; and, multiple PTSD healthcare facilities across America.

Those are the folks that you owe your explanation to…

Something tells me, each one of those honorable human beings, along with their immediate families, would NOT be on common ground with such a sorry differential of thought.

The reality of the outside world is NOT registering with 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.


Yesterday, yet once again, Israel came under attack.

This time it was Hezbollah. Over this past summer, of course, it was Hamas.

Hezbollah fired missiles at an Israeli military convoy that was travelling along the Israeli-Lebanon border. Tragically, two Israeli soldiers were killed, along with a Spanish United Nations peacekeeper.

Over the last 36 hours, Israel has responded with both artillery fire and airstrikes.

When one talks about Hezbollah, we’re talking about one of the most ruthless Islamic terrorist group anywhere in the world. Especially, over the past 25 years. It is critical to note, that most of the planet agrees with that assessment of Hezbollah. They are extremely sophisticated when it comes to their delivery of pain and horror through technology as well.

Hezbollah is a radical Shia group ideologically inspired by the Iranian Revolution. Its long-term stated goal is the complete, and unequivocal destruction of Israel. Like Hamas, they have the very same modus operandi plan: annihilation of the state of Israel.

Ultimately, what that means is the liberation of Jerusalem; and, the establishment of a radicalized Shia Islamic state in Lebanon, modeled after Iran for Hezbollah.

Within the Arab world, it is the worst-kept secret. Hezbollah is a blatant proxy of Iran, and is handsomely funded by them. Where and when Hezbollah is successful, Iran is the beneficiary.  

European media is reporting this morning that back-channel chatter has it that Iran is encouraging its terrorist allies to target the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s children.

I know, based on how the president has shown his “soft” hand during the on-going nuclear negotiations with Iran, that Obama has forgotten that Israel is the closest thing to a liberal Western democracy in the Middle East. Israel represents the closest elements of government civility (as well as stability) of any in this dangerous part of the globe. And, it’s under constant attack for that very reason!

Mr. President, stop acting like you wet your pants in the schoolyard…

Yasher koach, Israel! 


There is a wonderful photo that’s about to crash Twitter, and the rest of social media, taken of an unidentified gentleman shoveling off the Boston Marathon Finish Line during the blizzard that has / and did hit New England over the last 36 hours.

As we ALL know this section of pavement is now part of Boston Strong lore, and, trust me, it will be forever. And, without question, should be.

What happened on that spot of land during the April 2013 Boston Marathon will live in infamy for ALL Americans, NOT just residents of New England, and, more specifically those within the Greater Boston community.

I’ve named him Clarence. He just earned his wings!


The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is now reporting / projecting that by 2021 over 10 million workers are likely to lose their employer-based insurance plan due to Obamacare (known to some as the Affordable Care Act). The cause being that companies, more and more, are leaning toward dropping their company plans, and dumping employees in to subsidy exchanges under Obamacare.

If this latest projection proves to be true it would be ten times more than what was originally stated by the folks at the CBO, as we all went down this ‘yellow brick road’ on our way to OZ.

Another forecast by the CBO that is making many Democrats edgy is that 31 million people may loose coverage entirely.

Paging Johnny Gruber…paging Dr. Johnny Gruber…please pick up the nearest white courtesy phone.


Ever heard of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGIA)?

I hadn’t until late yesterday afternoon. And, I’d say 99.999999% of you haven’t either. Reportedly, they collect and analyzes data from satellites. Well, they, the Secret Service, and our national internal security network now have a “real case study” on their collective hands. Real-live data of one of their own!

It seems that one very, very, very drunk employee of the NGIA is the person responsible for flying the drone that landed, after 3:00 am, on to the White House lawn Monday.

But, read this. Here’s a classic statement issued by the agency’s spokesperson, Don Kerr, “The employee was off-duty and is not involved in work related to drones or unmanned aerial vehicles in any capacity.”

Whew, that’s certainly a relief to know. We were all a little concerned about that possibility, Mr. Kerr.

“Even though the employee was using a personal item while off-duty, the agency takes the incident very seriously and remains committed to promoting public trust and transparency,” the literate Mr. Kerr went on to say.

I have a thought. The next time the imbecilic Seth Rogen, and his boy-pal Jimmy Franco want to put together material for their next satirical flop, here’s the mother lode of the type of goodies that they seem fascinated by; with out question, this semi-tragic-comedic affair has to be a ‘must’ for SNL.

The New York Times has been reporting that this about-to-be-terminated (hopefully) employee of the NGIA (who reported his own short-comings to authorities, as it turns out) had been at a booze-fueled party, at an apartment close to the White House, and decided it might be a “splendid idea” to fly a friend’s quad-copter drone. This member of Mensa then lost control of his buddy’s drone…crash. How much more material do you need, Seth, Jimmy, and SNL writers?? Come on…

From the Kingdom of Saud, Obama issued the following, “I’ve asked the FAA and a number of agencies to examine how we are managing this new technology, because the drone that landed near the White House, you can buy at Radio Shack.” Mr. President, these two-foot drones can be, and are, assembled in teenagers’ bedrooms across the planet.

As readers of this blog know, I have advocated for months, our president and First Family need far greater protection, and far greater sophisticated technology surrounding them than what the current gang that “can’t shoot straight” sadly has been, and, currently is providing.

One last bit of advice, remove the word Intelligence from the agency’s name, and their employee application form.


The New York Times, along with NBC News, are making it as official as any announcement of this kind can be: Bowe Bergdahl is, in fact, a deserter.

Any one who has ever raised his / her right hand is, or will be extremely relieved if this proves to be the case. His investigation findings come as absolutely NO surprise to any rational individual.

Bergdahl, if the above reports prove to be accurate, will be charged by the military of desertion and dereliction of duty, by leaving his post while stationed in Afghanistan back in 2009.

He had spent five years in captivity, and was part of a highly publicized (which was heavily criticized by current and former members of the military; especially ones from his own unit) prisoner exchange for five highly well-trained and established jihadists from Gitmo, which was approved, and authorized by our president.

Unnamed sources at the Pentagon are also telling the media this afternoon that the Army’s findings pertaining to “little” Bowe as regards his subsequent punishment, and possible (there should be NO question of his court martial) prosecution are at odds with Barry. Also, NO great surprise! When someone like our 44th president uses the likes of a counterculture radical like Bill Ayers (along, in all probability, with his Weather Underground wife, Bernardine Dorhn) to write his book, The Audacity of Hope, what would, logically, one expect from this president on the matters of unit loyalty, discipline and military protocol.

The official response from the Pentagon, as of my post, is that the entire matter pertaining to Bergdahl is still in the hands of the Commanding General of US Armed Forces Command.

Translation: there is a major battle going on between the Army and 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.