There’s an old New England adage, “A barking dog wags the rule of justice.”

In the case of a southern New Hampshire extended family – some 21 members – trying to enjoy their Thanksgiving meal that proved to be the centerpiece of their day.

A 50-year old man is living proof today of that saying, as he awaits his indictment on Monday for breaking into his sister’s house, which was next door, and trying to strangle her 2-year old Jack Russell terrier from barking.

As the story has been reported by local police, just about all of this “happy family” was completely beyond logic and reason after several hours of consuming adult beverages from about 9:30 in morning (there’s always an early starting time throughout New England) on Thanksgiving.

The police stated that from about mid-morning there had been several complaints, from the neighborhood, about humans ‘barking’ and parking their cars NOT only on the street, but in the neighbors’ driveways and on lawns. The police responded several times with warnings…to NO avail.

It seems as one pieces together this Norman Rockwell portrait of Thanksgiving, that Oreo, the Jack Russell, decided to take the law into his own paws. Thus, the barking commenced. Louder, and louder, and louder.

Snap! Our 50-year old host of this gala gathering lost it. After screaming at his sister about her dog, he stormed out of the house, breaking into the sister’s home, and proceeded to try and physically engage this canine hero by coughing the little warrior to death. NO SUCH LUCK! Can’t you just picture the scene? Tim Burton meets Roman Polanski…

Youthful, sober agility will always win out; and, once again, this confrontation was to prove NO exception.

Before being locked up in a “drying out cell,” our villain was treated by the local EMS for numerous (NOT enough as far I’m concerned) bites from Oreo (I suspect that there may have been some human teeth marks as well). This human turkey is presently being held on $5,000 bail awaiting his arraignment on Monday. It seems the family showed NO interest in posting $$$ for his temporary release. Probably, for the betterment of this tranquil community.

The moral of this tale, a barking dog takes to heart the New Hampshire state motto: Live Free or Die!”


Over the last 20 hours, retailers are now reporting that their individual traffic – initial counts – of shoppers – comparable year-to-year figures – to be slightly off, 140.5 million compared to 141.2 million from a year ago. There has been NO sales figures released thus far…more info will undoubtedly be given throughout the weekend.

However, what caught my attention were some depressing things / issues

1) We had only 76.9 million people finding time to vote during the past Mid-Terms this month, compared to the 140.5 million that found the time – in many cases to camp out over-night – to make a purchase over the Black Friday specials;

2) Over 80% of these purchases were made with a credit card (why should we expect anything else from a country of rising debt?!);

3) Many cities experienced disturbing protests against the verdict in the Michael Brown / Darren Wilson verdict;

4) Alarming video – both from individual store security cameras to those from local media – showing raw violence, depicting severe beatings, among customers themselves (savages, actually!!!) – including children and people in wheelchairs – over limited specific advertised ‘door busters’ as respective stores opened their doors;

5) Very limited police / security presence outside and inside these retail locations…NO crowd control!

The country has become more, and more, absorbed with the 50″ flat screen, than going to the polls to elect the politicians / leaders of America.

We want bargains, NOT a society, in the United States; it becomes more obvious with each passing year…truthfully, each passing day. 


The prairie will miss Billy Butler.

“Country Breakfast” opted to take an offer of 3-years, $30 million from the Oakland Athletics starting next season -2015.

Butler had been with the Kansas City Royals organization for the better part of the last 11 seasons. At times, he was a major contributor to the club; other times, like all big-league ball players he struggled; the difference was when Billy struggled he really struggled – and, last season – even as it was a great success for the organization – Butler was NOT himself. But, his impact was felt in hundreds of other ways: the mentoring of many of his younger teammates; and, being a steady and positive influence in the club house, especially from late July through the World Series.

As someone you personally saw a lot of Butler’s minor league games, and came to get to know him from a distance, NO ONE was classier than Billy, in a very ‘on-the-prairie’ manner. He was magnificent with the fans, especially the younger ones. And, any one with a disability was always moved to the front of the line with Butler. He NEVER seemed to be on the clock with the fans, and, in fact, with the media as well.

He always had time.

Yesterday, on Thanksgiving Day, Billy Butler and his family proved once again what a class person he is when he and his family took out a full page ad in the Kansas City Star expressing how appreciative they were for the support they had felt from the fan base, and the club over his years with the organization.

What a difference from the likes of a Reggie Jackson, Steve Carlton, Pete Rose, Alex Rodriguez, John Lackey, Josh Beckett, Manny Ramirez, and, baseball’s latest jerk, Bryce Harper.

Kansas City baseball will miss Billy Butler!

There is nothing like a “Country Breakfast” served any time of the day.


Phyllis Dorothy James White, better known to the masses as P.D. James – The Queen of Crime, died yesterday morning peacefully at her home in Oxford, England. She was 94.

She was a personal favorite of mine.

James was a Leo (my sign), a person of wonderful wit, and a consummate writer of mystery novels for over fifty years. She also reminded me of my maternal Aunt Theresa. They could have been identical twins.

As she got older, over the last couple of years, she would always tell interviewers, “I can’t imagine not finishing a book that I’ve started.” She would NEVER have to worry about that.

James also gave us one of the great detective sleuths in all of fiction, Adam Dalgliesh, from Scotland Yard. Dalgliesh was a conflicted, sensitive, self-contained, aloof, personal law official, who wrote poetry. “There is a splinter of ice in his character,” is how James described her man. He became the center of the writing universe / stories for most of the works of P.D. James.

If you haven’t had the joy of reading one of her books, drop whatever you’re doing, and head to the nearest bookstore – used, full-retail or Amazon Prime, and pick up a copy of: COVER HER FACE (’62); AN UNSUITABLE JOB FOR A WOMAN (’72); INNOCENT BLOOD (’80); THE CHILDREN OF MEN (’92); THE PRIVATE PATIENT (’08); and, DEATH COMES TO PEMBERLEY (’11). These six are her best works in my opinion; all worth reading a second and third time, truthfully.

I’ll miss her.


“Majiq” is a 27-year old from the Burrough of Brooklyn looking for his 15 minute of fame.

Last night the internet came alive with news that some of the protesters (against the verdict in Ferguson, Missouri) in New York City were in the final stages of planning to disrupt the Macy’s traditional Thanksgiving Day Parade this morning.

“Majiq” is their self-imposed leader. “Majiq” and his band of Cub Scouts, have, over the last couple of days, disrupted traffic on the FDR Drive, as well as the West Side Highway in the city. Any one familiar with New York knows those are two of the busiest traffic arteries within the metropolitan area. For the most part, surprisingly, the police have kept their distance during these disturbances.

“The police aren’t going to arrest us, and they’re not going to shoot us,” railed the “Majiq” man yesterday afternoon to the media. “They’re walking right by us now with their heads down and their tails between their legs,” bellowed this arrogant ‘organizer’ as dozens of police watched while he addressed any one who wanted to listen. Just think about the virtues, and the drawbacks (as with “Majiq”) with our First Amendment in these moments.

I’m thankful for it…even with all its warts! And, so are most of you as well.

I’ll also be extremely thankful when Bill Bratton (NY Police Commissioner) and the men and women of NYPD step in and cart the likes of “Majiq” and his camp followers off to the holding cells on Rikers Island this morning, if their behavior warrants it.

Hopefully, that may NOT have to happen.

Gooble, gooble…every one!


Louis Head.

Stepfather of the tragically deceased 18-year old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

The above was his battle cry, this past Monday night, to the salivating masses after the grand jury’s decision NOT to indict Officer Darren Wilson, from the Ferguson Police Department, who had shot Brown during a confrontation this past August 9th.

This inciting ‘battle cry’ by Head, the depiction of a real street thug, was ALL certain members (roughly 150-200) of the protesters needed to literally go on an unchallenged spree that resulted in 14 buildings – businesses for the most part – being torched (completely destroyed).

Which brings me to a very simple question that has troubled me since the ’60’s: Why do black people elect to destroy black businesses? I’m serious, can anyone really explain that to me? Follow me on this, these morons (which doesn’t include the vast majority of people in African-American communities) are destroying the very income streams that they (protesters) claim do NOT exist, and for them (again, the protesters) to be employed by. Please walk me through that kind of logic. Some of my closest black friends over the last 55 years has NEVER given me plausible answers. NEVER!

Guns, kerosene, lighter fluid, baseball bats, and matches don’t provide the proper course of action…for any one.

When is black leadership, along with black church leaders, going to step forward and be visible, convincing and engaging with their communities? Instead of posturing! Being inflammatory! And, advantaging themselves, and their pockets with the tragedy of the many!

It’s is time for the African-American communities to:













News outlets are now reporting that the grand jury has reached a decision in the Michael Brown / Darren Wilson case in Ferguson, Missouri. At some point this afternoon, or this evening, the decision regarding the shooting death of 18-year old Brown by Ferguson policeman Wilson will be announced by law authorities or the District Attorney’s office.

Timing for this announcement, and by whom, seems to be just another part of the on-going confusion, and folly, of this tragedy, and how it has unfolded since August 9th.

I think it’s safe to assume that if Officer Wilson is NOT charged with a indictment, we can expect to witness numerous negative, and very assertive reaction by the African-American communities throughout the greater St. Louis metroplex during the holidays. Possibly, even nationally.

One has the sense that cooler heads will NOT prevail…

I hope I’m off-base with my thinking!


The New York Times is just reporting that Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, 68, the sole Republican in the Obama cabinet, is being asked to step away from the government.

I think it’s a solid move by the president. Hagel who has been in the post less than two years, was by all appearances completely, and utterly overwhelmed by the position. He was a Vietnam veteran, who had served the country well in the past.

He seemed NOT functional before Congress under questioning about 21st century terrorism; his direct communication with the military heads; the pentagon budget; the new adaptability requirements of the military; the handling of the EBOLA situation in West Africa with our troops; and, the rapid expansion of the Islamic State.

His appearances before the press made Donald Rumsfeld look like George C. Marshall. Alright, that last comment was a bit of hyperbole on my part. But, you get my drift.

The White House will have more on this move, and possible replacements later in the day. Let’s hope it’s NOT Jack Reed, Democrat senator from Rhode Island.

Bob Gates, your country needs you once again!


Who controls our information today? How do most of us get information?

Social media, or digital media…is it really all the same?

The morning newspaper (my personal stable; I still love the smell of a paper, and the smudge of ink) has gone the way of the DoDo bird. As have books, magazines and journals.

The Internet rules…(admittedly, I must say I love it!).

So, by way of The Atlantic – December issue – here’s a brief snapshot – history – of how we’ve gotten to where are at the moment:

1871 – Western Union controlled 90% of the US telegraphic traffic;

1947 – 97% of the country’s radio stations are affiliated with one of the 4 major / national networks – NBC, CBS, ABC, and Mutual;

1969 – 50% of all US televisions view their evening news on one of the three national networks – NBC, CBS, and ABC;

1979 – September 7th; a small remote TV station in Bristol, Connecticut begins offering paid cable access to 24 / 7 / 365 sports news and coverage;

1997 – More than half of all US homes with internet access get it through America Online (AOL);

2002 – Microsoft Internet Explorer controls 97% of the worldwide browser market;

2014 – Amazon sells 63% of all books bought online, and 40% of all books overall;

2014 – More than 800 million (with an M) use Facebook every single day (use – time-wise – on Facebook, by individuals, is more than browsing the entire rest of the Web!).

Raise your hands if you’ve heard of the app Yik Yak?

Too fast for this lobsterman, but I still love the Web.


Fifty-one years ago today…

One of the seminal moments in my life…

Dr. Klaus Kouzi’s 1:50 Friday afternoon German class during my Sophomore year in college is settling in…

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, our 35th president, is assassinated in the middle of a motorcade in Dallas, Texas…12:30 pm Central Time.

JFK is pronounced dead at 1:00 pm local time at Parkland Hospital…

The world turns off on to an emergency  exit ramp, and, we ALL go to Mach speed!