Some ink-covered individual by the name of Aaron Lewis literally mutilated our National Anthem before the Sunday night World Series game. Game 5 to be specific.

He is someone of whom I have absolutely NO familiarity. He was described as the lead singer for a group called Staind (how appropriate!!!) of which I also have absolutely NO familiarity. Both he and this “group” will NOT be of any further interest as I move forward in the late Autumn of my years, either.

“Ink” Lewis – as he’s now known to me – joins a growing list of celebrities (so-called) that have completely butchered our Anthem: Carl Lewis in 1993; Steven Tyler in 2012; Christina Aquilera in 2011; and, of course, least we ever forget, Roseanne Barr in 1990. With this week being Halloween, do yourself a favor if you want to get into a completely ‘freak’ mood, Google or YouTube these complete farces to our country, and the tradition of our flag.

How difficult would it have been for the San Francisco Giants organization to have just picked up the phone and called the San Francisco Symphony, and spoken to its director, Michael Tilson Thomas, for his recommendations. It’s called a “touch of class!”

Better yet, ask one of our men or women in uniform. It’s NOT that difficult…

“Ink,” to his credit, has since apologized.

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