Everyone’s favorite thinker, Freddy Nietzsche, stated: “Be careful when you cast out your demons that you don’t throw away the best of yourself.” For almost 115 years since Freddy’s passing, minds far more expanded than mine have gone over every word of that quote…I have no intention in following the queue. 

On the 2nd of February of this year, we lost one of the greats from his generation – Hoffman. Apparently, demons never really vacated from the presence of Philip Seymour Hoffman.

It’s my intent to suggest what I consider to have been his best work(s) – chronologically: 1999, THE TALENTED MR. RIPLEY, as Freddie Miles; 2000, ALMOST FAMOUS, as Lester Bangs; 2005, CAPOTE, as Truman Capote; 2007, BEFORE THE DEVIL KNOWS YOU’RE DEAD, as Andy Hanson; 2008, DOUBT, as Father Flynn; and, 2011, THE IDES OF MARCH, as Paul Zara Philip.

I have not seen A MOST WANTED MAN (just released) as of this post.

You would do well to be entertained by any on my list.


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